Massachusetts, You’ve Got To Vote Yes on Question 3!


Paul Shapiro’s here with all the news you can use! This week: LET’S DO THIS, MASSACHUSETTS!!! Take it away, Paul:

With only 18 days before the election, the ad wars are heating up in Massachusetts, with both sides of Question 3 airing competing TV ads. The opposition just got a quarter million dollar cash infusion from the National Pork Producers Council and an agribusiness/oil tycoon—the fight is on. The Boston Globe’s got the story.

The YES campaign is picking up all types of support, including from the Boston Globe, the MA Attorney General, Sia, and more. And there’ve been more public debates on the ballot measure in the past week than I care to recall!

The egg industry’s still up to its old tricks of misleading consumers with false packaging. HSUS is on it, filing a federal complaint this week over one particularly egregious egg carton.

YES on 3 or bust!

Your friend and a friend to animals and also everyone,
Paul Shapiro