Pumpkin Tarts

This is the last of my pumpkin recipes for this fall. It’s too late for Canadian Thanksgiving, but these could be a hit at your very own American Thanksgiving. The filling has lots of pumpkin flavour but has a lighter texture than usual pumpkin pie filling. The filling does not have to be baked so these tarts come together relatively quickly. 

Makes 24 tarts
– 24 frozen tart shells, baked

– 1/3 cup unsalted chickpea aquafaba
– 1/8 tsp xanthan gum
– 3 tbsp sugar

– 1/4 cup raw cashews
– 1 cup plain soy milk
– 1/3 cup sugar
– 1 cup cooked pumpkin (see note below*)
– 1/2 tsp cinnamon
– 1/2 tsp ginger
– 1/4 tsp nutmeg
– large pinch allspice
– pinch of salt
– 1 tsp vanilla
– 2 tbsp corn starch
– 1/4 tsp agar powder

– whipped topping

1. Bake the tart shells per the instructions on the package. Cool.
2. Soak cashews in boiled water for 15 mins. Drain.
3. While cashews are soaking, add aquafaba and xanthan gum to a mixer bowl. Fix the mixer with a balloon whisk and whisk on med-hi speed until foamy. Add sugar 1 tbsp at a time, and blend until soft peaks form.
4. Put the soaked cashews and the remaining ingredients (but not the aquafaba mixture) in a blender. Blend until very smooth.
5. Pour the blender contents into a saucepan and cook on the stove or medium heat, stirring constantly. When bubbling, cook for two minutes.
6. Let mixture cool for 2 mins, stirring regularly to prevent a scum from forming. Fold in the aquafaba mixture completely.
7. Spoon mixture into the cooled tart shells (save any leftovers in the fridge and call it pumpkin custard). When they reach room temperature, transfer to the fridge to fully cool. I think these taste best the next day.
8. When ready to serve, top with the whipped cream of your choice (I use the recipe from Homemade Vegan Pantry, but you could use a commercial topping as well).