7 Air-filtering house plants that are safe for your pets!


I came across this graphic today from LovetheGarden.com where they pulled together this handy guide to air-filtering plants based on NASA research. But, as the graphic says, not all air-filtering plants are pet-safe. So I went ahead and cross-referenced this graphic with the ASPCA info on plants that are non-toxic to pets because I’m the best and so sweet. Apparently these 7 are non-toxic to dogs and cats:

Dwarf Date Palm
Boston Fern
Spider Plant
Bamboo Palm
Broadleaf Lady Palm
(not on ASPCA’s list but this site says non-toxic) 
Barberton Daisy

Now, let’s get some plants! I’ll try not to kill mine yaaaaaay! (I’m just saying, if plants want to not die, they should meow and repeatedly boop me on the head in the morning until I get up and feed them like Cookie does)