Animal News You Can Use: Clean Meat?!

Well friend, the world’s first book on clean meat (growing real meat without animals) came out today! You can (and should…) order now.

If you want a taste (ha) of why so many people are talking about clean meat these days, I published an op-ed in Canada’s Globe and Mail this past week on the topic, and other coverage of the book has been good so far, too. And The Good Food Institute just ran a fun interview on it that you should check out.

Will clean meat help humanity expand its moral concern to include other animals? That’s an argument made by the Sentience Institute in this great profile VICE published on them.

BTW, speaking of other animals, have you ever wondered what chickens think about us? New research reported in The Onion sheds light on the topic. 🙂

Have a great new year,

P.S. Video of the week: I love all interspecies friendship videos, but this one really s(n)ails above the rest…