Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use: Instagram, Viva Mexico, and Adorable Pit Bulls!

Missouri led a group of states this week in filing a legal action to overturn California’s hen protection law, prompting the state’s biggest newspaper, the Kansas City Star, to slam its own state’s attorney general for the misguided action. Talk about egg on his face. Given the concern factory farm defenders have about our work, perhaps it’s unsurprising that Feedstuffs lists as two of the biggest threats agribusinesses will face in 2018: Animal advocates and plant-based meats.

As a relative newcomer to Instagram myself,  I was impressed to see its new policy this week for alerting users to potential wildlife abuse. Good to see such depravity doesn’t go over easy on the social media platform.

Animal abusers also got scrambled in court a lot this past year. Here’s Wayne Pacelle’s uplifting round-up of such successes.

And finally, Viva Mexico! As the U.S. was hatching a plan to shrink our protected national parks this week, our neighbors to the south shell-shocked the hemisphere by creating the largest protected marine area in North America which is now off limits to fishing and drilling.

Video of the week: How many pit bulls is too many?

Paul Shapiro, Vice President of Policy Engagement, The Humane Society of the United States