A Small Tweak For The New Year

As you flip the calendar on another year, perhaps you’re embarking on some of the standard New Year’s resolutions, e.g., weight loss, fitness, etc.. Of course, all noble pursuits. Here’s another you might consider that will take no more effort than being mindful of your posture. Not the straight-backed kind, though that’s a good idea too, but rather your body language in general and power positions in particular.

It turns out just two minutes holding such a pose can increase your testosterone and lower your cortisol levels, making you feel more confident and less stressed, more comfortable. In this TED talk, Amy Cuddy, a professor and researcher at Harvard Business School, shares these findings and recommends sneaking in those two minutes prior to evaluative situations like an interview, a review at work, public speaking, etc..

I hope you enjoy the talk, as I did, and that you have a very Happy New Year! :)