Animal News You Can Use: A haunted Halloween for hen harmers!


Missouri’s Attorney General Chris Koster, who’s leading the ill-fated legal fight against California’s egg-laying hen protection and food safety law, had yet another rough week, with the two largest papers in his state strongly condemning him. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch headlined, “Stench of rotten eggs hangs over Koster,” while the Kansas City Star let readers know that “Chris Koster is too easily wined and dined by corporations and their lobbyists.”

HSUS helped lead the effort to get Koster’s lawsuit against California dismissed, but our fights for farm animals aren’t limited to the courtrooms: We’re also giving them a voice in corporate boardrooms. BusinessWeek’s got the story about our latest shareholder campaign to combat factory farming.

And our campaign to persuade New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to sign a bill to ban gestation crate continues, with Edison the pig showing up in front of the state capitol along with a human-sized gestation crate to give lawmakers and their staff a feel for life in a crate.

We’ve also just launched a hotline and reward program for employees at factory farms and slaughter plants who want to blow the whistle.

Finally, did you know that Target has its own line of vegan meats now? And Boston students are now able to eat more plant-based protein since the school district just implemented meat-free Mondays!

P.S. Video of the week: Enjoy Halloween with Teddy Bear, the pumpkin-eating porcupine!