Animal News You Can Use!: Animals: 2. Animal Abusers: 0.


The factory farming industry suffered a major blow this week, when Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey issued his first-ever veto. He killed a bill that would’ve removed farm animals from the protections of the state’s anti-cruelty code, despite a strong meat industry lobbying effort. The governor reportedly received 19,251 constituent contacts about it, with all but three urging a veto…

In another blow, Dunkin Donuts announced this week that it’s moving away from battery eggs.

These losses make the industry even more desperate to keep Americans in the dark about its rampant animal abuse, which is why it’s so vigorously promoting ag-gag bills. The latest ag-gag battleground is in North Carolina. I address this issue in a new piece of mine on the conservative National Review web site.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
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P.S. Video of the week: Think cats are the only animals who like laser pointers? (Seriously, this is amazing.)