Animal News You Can Use: Boom!


Just moments ago, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory
the ag-gag bill pending on his desk! Despite big backing from
the meat industry, the veto campaign got big traction this week when
major newspapers in his state have editorialized urging him to veto, and the

 called on him to veto, too. Congratulations to all the animal advocates who worked so hard to achieve this major victory!

And speaking of governors and vetoes, it was
another bad week for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who’s still haunted
by his shameful veto of a bill to ban gestation crates.

Jon Stewart slammed him
—again—on The Daily Show this week (starts at 5:55) for that veto, and his

state’s largest newspaper
did so again, too.

Finally, in a remarkable example of supply and
demand at work, as US meat consumption continues to wane, the leather
industry is taking a hit, as

Bloomberg notes
in a fascinating story today.

Video of the week
: A chicken gets what she deserves—love!