Animal News You Can Use: Costco’s cruelty exposed in Times Square!


Some headlines really write themselves. A Minnesota pig factory is now
in an animal cruelty scandal. Okay, no shocker there. But
this time, the facility employs a politician who’s the sponsor of an
ag-gag bill. No wonder he was trying to shield factory farms from

When tourists in Times Square looked up this week, they may have seen not a bird nor a plane, but…well actually, they
did see birds. HSUS ran a 1,700-square-foot video billboard
showing graphic undercover footage from inside a Costco egg supplier
that locks chickens in cages, generating coverage on

, and more.

And just a few blocks away from Times Square, the New York Times was busy condemning factory farming. The paper

ran this editorial
, potently noting: “In a country that lavishes
love and legal protections on house pets, factory-farmed animals are
left out in the cold, exempt from almost all animal-cruelty laws. As a
result they suffer torture and other mistreatment
to a degree that is hard to imagine.”

Finally, ever wonder how to get 10,000 calories a
day on a vegan diet? Me neither. But if you’re Chicago Bears lineman
David Carter you do. Check out his profile in

P.S. Video of the week: Rescued piglets take a three-legged pit bull for a walk. Seriously.

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