Animal News You Can Use: Happy Vegetarian Awareness Month!


Big news from the Washington Post this week: Companies are getting closer to commercializing technology that would prevent vast numbers of male chicks from being hatched simply to be shredded alive. It’d be so huge.

But the really big news is that we’re now less than two weeks from Election Day, when Massachusetts residents will vote on Question 3 to prevent farm animal cruelty! NBC encapsulated the issue this week with a two-minute segment about the historic ballot measure. And if you want to know who’s funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to the opposition campaign, this great Boston Globe column today exposes the opposition to Question 3 for what it is.

And finally, Chicago Woman has a great feature celebrating Vegetarian Awareness Month from HSUS’s own Leolin Bowen—check it out!

Paul Shapiro
Vice President of Policy
The Humane Society of the United States
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P.S. Video of the week: If the first word you associate with rats isn’t “cute!” watch this.

P.P.S. Need another reason to love Dr. Bronner’s soap? You got it.