Animal News You Can Use: Have a little hope


Huge news to celebrate this week: The world’s largest temple “sacrifice” of animals has finally

come to an end

Really gives you a lot of hope for the future. In
fact, did you ever wonder what the future of finance is? My colleague
Matt Prescott has some thoughts in this new

Barron’s column

Or maybe it’ll look something like what Miami-Dade schools are doing for their menus with HSUS right now.

Check out
what my colleague Karla Dumas, RD, is up to in Florida!

Good thing too, as
NPR reports
this week that one of the best ways to combat obesity
is, you guessed it, choosing plant-strong meals. And this former marine
and police captain of 25 years is doing just that: Check out his column
about it in

USA Today

P.S. Video of the week: In honor of Cecil, here’s David Attenborough on lion cubs.