Animal news you can use: Later, foie gras! Bye girl!!

The latest in animal news you can use from Paul Shapiro, Vice President of Policy Engagement:

Ducks are quacking in celebration today, as a federal court unanimously reinstated California’s ban on the sale of foie gras from force-fed birds. (More on the HSUS blog!)

The foie gras industry isn’t the only one reeling this week. Animal-using circuses, the bell tolls for thee. Santa Fe just banned circuses from using wildlife while Maryland’s two largest counties are moving in that direction too.

I had a great time chatting about animals, aliens, clean & plant-based meats, and more with comedian David Huntsberg on his show this week. Check it out!

Speaking of clean meat, The Atlantic has a compelling look at a new company making waves for its real fish meat, grown without the fish. As the story notes, “Pretty much every Silicon Valley zillionaire wants to free the world from the mass slaughter of animals and the environmental havoc it causes.”

Finally, if you want a truly moving story about an imprisoned refugee who’s spending his time trying to help animals on the island where he’s imprisoned, The Guardian’s profile of Mansour Shoushtari is a must-read.

Video of the week: Hugs aren’t just for humans!