Animal News You Can Use: livestream our Future of Food conference for free!

HSUS’s Future of Food conference (this evening and tomorrow, Saturday) is sold out, but you can watch via livestream at our Facebook page. Peter Singer starts at 7pm ET this evening, and there are great speakers tomorrow you can stream, too.

Breaking news today: New federal investigation uncovers the depths of the egg industry’s covert war against Hampton Creek: Must-read LA Times exposé!

Make sure to check out the New York Times’ big new feature on undercover investigations at factory farms and slaughter plants—worth the read!

Finally, the Huffington Post has a potent story this week about the historic nature of the MA Question 3 campaign. And bonus new video: YES on 3 or bust!

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
Follow at

P.S. Video of the week: This chicken loves to play ball!