Animal News You Can Use: some good news for animals

There are many things one can say about this election, but one thing is quite clear: when it came to state ballot measures, animals did very well.

In Massachusetts, in what was the widest margin of victory for any animal protection ballot measure in American history, a gargantuan 78 percent of voters supported Question 3, prohibiting the sale of eggs, veal, and pork not from cage-free sources. (You can watch the speeches at our victory party here.) Congratulations and thank you to everyone who worked so hard on this measure—you truly helped make history.

In Oregon, voters overwhelmingly passed Measure 100 to restrict the trade in endangered wildlife parts, while in Oklahoma voters admirably rejected State Question 777, which would’ve prevented any regulation of agribusiness. As well, California voters approved Prop 67 to ban single-use plastic bags, a major threat to wild animals. These are all stellar results for animals.

As for the national election, for details on what effect a Trump administration may have for animals, see Wayne Pacelle’s thoughts. But even before we have a new administration, there’s a major threat to Alaskan wildlife from the current Congress—a threat you can help stop.

Finally, in this new interview with Animal Charity Evaluators, I offer some thoughts on animal advocacy, including answering the question: “Do you have any tips for advocates on maintaining a thick skin?” :- )

Paul Shapiro
Vice President of Policy
The Humane Society of the United States
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P.S. Video of the week: Pit bull meets baby…