Animal News You Can Use: The Death Star

Huge news this week: Perdue became the first poultry giant to pledge to start implementing meaningful reforms to reduce the suffering of its birds.

Iowa Rep. Steve King didn’t seem to get the memo that the times they are a changin.’ The state’s largest newspaper just eviscerated King this week for his war on Meatless Mondays. The Des Moines Register’s conclusion of its must-read editorial: “It seems that no one other than meat-eating, straight, white, American-born citizens have a place in Steve King’s America. The fact that this version of America exists only in King’s head, which otherwise appears to be empty, doesn’t seem to concern him.”

As if that wasn’t enough for the week, the Washington Post’s headline speaks for itself: “Meat Is Horrible.”

Finally, why did Men’s Journal call HSUS the “Death Star opponent of industry abuses” this week? Check out their new profile on Wayne Pacelle.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States
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P.S. Video of the week: What would a healing rescued chicken like to watch?