Animal News You Can Use: The fight is on!


fight is on
in North Carolina, where an ag-gag bill is moving fast
through the legislature. Of course animal advocates are campaigning
against the bill, and so are

, too. Watch HSUS’s commercial on this and take action.

Bird flu is sweeping the nation right now, exacerbated by factory farming conditions. Check out an

op-ed on the topic
by my coworker Dr. Michael Greger (author of Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching), and feel free to watch an
interview of mine on the issue, too.

Did you know that the nation has an all-vegetarian public school? Well,

we do, and it’s thriving
. And of course, HSUS continues to spread the meat reduction message,

including in California
for Earth Day this week.


Video of the week: Sometimes cats give dogs a taste of their own medicine.

P.P.S. Are you on Twitter? Did you know that for
free you can “donate” your account to help occasionally get the word out
about important farm animal protection efforts? I’d be grateful if you
the link