Animal News You Can Use: The transition


The transition of power is underway today, with one of President Obama’s final acts this past week being the issuance of a new federal rule that substantially strengthens animal welfare standards in the national organic program, including banning debeaking of organically raised hens and requiring real outdoor access for them, too.

Some of President Trump’s less controversial cabinet nominees will get confirmed quickly, but one of his nominees is especially unfit for office. Scott Pruitt, Trump’s EPA pick, has a sordid history of using public office to crusade against charities his campaign contributors dislike, including HSUS.

Finally, hopeful proof that we can all change for the better: In one of the more poignant op-eds I’ve read, this Australian who for years tormented wildlife for fun writes about his change of heart, and his behavior.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President of Policy Engagement
The Humane Society of the United States
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P.S. Video of the week: Eight presidential pets you wish you knew.