Animal News You Can Use: We’re making progress!


It’s Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use! Yay, Paul! Yay, animals!

The Christian Science Monitor published a compelling story this week detailing the progress HSUS is making in advancing the interests of farm animals. There may be no clearer sign of that progress than the upcoming implementation of California’s Prop. 2 on January 1. You can read more about this historic event on Wayne Pacelle’s blog.

And further evidence of the world changing for the better: A former Burger King exec started a new vegetarian food company, and a vegan butcher shop was profiled on NPR…almost seems like heaven! And that would be especially nice since it’s official: the Pope now says animals are getting into heaven, too.

Finally, Pork Network didn’t think much of my recent Huffington Post piece, but at least they called me “clever.”

P.S. Video of the week: Man and fish play!