
Vegan Outdoor Adventures’ Winter Subscription Box: A homebody’s review

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you’re unlike me, you love the outdoors! Swimming, biking, hiking–I’m
exhausted just thinking about it. But the one thing that could possibly
lure me into the wilderness (i.e. anyplace without paved sidewalks) is a box full of goodies such as can be found in
Vegan Outdoor AdventuresWinter Box.

Jessica Ryle started Vegan Outdoor Adventures as a
subscription box for vegan outdoor enthusiasts. The associated website helps you “find everything to compliment your cruelty-free outdoor lifestyle,” including links to vegan outdoor equipment, interviews with nature-loving vegans, and her best tips and gear suggestions/gear reviews. To me, “outdoors” is what I call the walk from my car to my destination or, if I’m feeling adventurous, al fresco dining. But, what I can appreciate about this venture is that they’ve removed the hassle of always having to read labels upon labels to find a vegan version of what you’re looking for (kinda like Mooshoes has done for shoes and accessories) and for that I am grateful.

Onto the goods. They’ve just launched their Winter Box, which contains six items–all vegan–valued at
over $50 and selling for $27.


What’s in this season’s box? Glad you asked.

1.)  Light My Fire – Full size combination firesteel & emergency whistle

I’m not what you would consider “outdoorsy,” so I can’t imagine my lifestyle requiring me to start a fire in a jiffy. But, I’m thinking that there are a ton of scenarios where the whistle would be hella useful–for instance, we could get some for the fine folks in the Wapiti, Wyoming school district and tell Betsy DeVos not to let the door hit her in ass on the way out.

2.)  GoMacro – Full size Thrive bar, various flavors, gluten-free
I’m no genius, but there’s no law that says you actually need to be hiking a trail in order to enjoy trail snacks. If you’re a hiker, these are probably the greatest. But, I’d venture to guess that they’d be just as good sitting on your couch binge-watching The OA.

3.)  Woodstock Herbal Products – Sample size of C&F Seasonal Support
I get it, you need to be in top form when you’re braving the elements. Sometimes too, you need all the help you can get after a hot yoga class.

4.)  Apothecary Muse – Full size Winter Warrior lip balm
Who doesn’t love lip balm? I, for one, have at least ten going at any given time: 1 on my nightstand, 2 in my medicine cabinet, 3 in my purse, 1 in the living room, 1 in my mom’s kitchen, and currently 4 at work. Point being: there’s always room for more and indoors/outdoors, who’s going to know?

5.)  Outdoor Herbivore – Savory Lentil Simmer – Full size, 4.5 oz package, gluten-free
I realize that this product was developed to make it easy to cook a tasty and nutritious meal in the wild, but who’s to say that your busy life doesn’t warrant the same convenience at home? No judgement.

6.)  Louisville Vegan Jerky – Full size, Pete’s Smoked Black Pepper, gluten-free
Ok, I’ll admit that I’m going to have to defer to The Bearded Vegans, lovers of all things jerky, for this gem as I was never a “snap in to a vegan jerky” type of gal. BUT, if I were to purchase this box for all of the other items that speak to my (sedentary) lifestyle, I wouldn’t hesitate to donate said jerky to my jerky-loving pals; it’s just good karma. [ed. note: Louisville Vegan Jerky is THE JAM tbh]

Ultimately, “the purpose of VOA’s subscription box is to allow customers to try a wide range of products without having to do research to find out if they are
vegan or not. The products enclosed are some of Jess’ personal favorites.
She has tried them out and loved them. The Seasonal Sample Box is a way to
get these must-haves into the hands of people who appreciate them the

So, whether you’re an outdoor adventurer or, like me, just someone who likes to try out new stuff, check out Vegan Outdoor Adventures.


Finding Community at Vegan Shop-Up

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If your family owned a TV between the years 1982 and 1993, you’re probably familiar with the sitcom Cheers. The main draw of the show wasn’t the good-hearted bartenders, the strong-willed female characters, or even the charismatic owner; it was bar regular, Norm. Why? Because, as the theme-song, outlines, “sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name.”


Gluten-free chocolate-dipped chocolate chip cookie by Gone Pie Vegan Bakery

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a vegan community. In fact, many people still live in places where they’re the only vegan around. Even in an over-populated metropolis like New York City, it’s easy to feel alone, regardless of knowing with certainty that there are others “like you” just a stone’s throw away. Sometimes it takes an organizer.


Cali Kush vegan hot dawg by Yeah Dawg!!!

This started, surely, with neighborly potlucks. Then there were vegan meet-ups. Secret supper clubs. Veggie Conquest events blew up the NY scene for a while, then Vegan Drinks in multiple cities. MooShoes New York was always the place to be for launches of new books, restaurants, bars, etc. Sure, Vegfests take it to a grander scale, but it’s the recurring community atmosphere most of us are looking for.


Gluten-free rainbow cookie donut by Peaceful Provisions

For a good bit, the East Village’s Lula’s Sweet Apothecary was just that. For many, it was the local meeting place. Not a watering hole, it was an ice cream dispensary where you’d be hard-pressed to find a seat after waiting in a line out the door. But you’d opt to stand, with your divine treat, in order to enjoy while kibitzing with local vegans. So much of the charm lay in the owners, the staff, and the clientele–all working together to foster both new and existing relationships along with providing a space in which they could grow.


La Trucha torta by Vegicano

Vegan Shop-up has steadily taken up where Lula’s left off. Charismatic and dependable, they’ve grandly popularized their regularly organized events as community gathering to the nth degree.


Vegan Shop-Up tote and Pine Box sign modeled by superfan vegan dog, 89

What started in vegan bar/event space Pine Box Rock Shop with a handful of vendors inside has grown exponentially to include tons of vendors–including many that spill out onto the sidewalk in warmer months, along with the Cinnamon Snail food truck if you’re lucky.


Rainbow cookies by Sweet Maresa’s

While Vegan Shop-Up has now expanded to include all-ages pop-ups, it’s the long-running Pine Box events that have formed a community for me personally, probably because you can easily wile away hours: eating, drinking, talking…all while discovering and supporting local, vegan businesses, entrepreneurs, and new friends.


Assorted bar soaps by Fanciful Fox

If you live in the Brooklyn area or even just visit, Vegan Shop-ups are not to be missed. After you’ve attended often enough, everybody knows your name.

The next Vegan Shop-Up is Saturday, January 14, from 11:00am – 4:00pm* at Pine Box Rock Shop, so 21 and over. Keep up with Vegan Shop-Up for upcoming events, including all-ages Shop-Ups.

* Please note the early start time is for this month only!


Restaurant Review: Modern Love Brooklyn!

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If you’re anywhere in the vicinity of New York, you’ve probably heard that Modern Love Brooklyn has opened to rave reviews. It’s about time too; we’ve been coveting Modern Love Omaha from afar for far too long.

I was anxious to go and pored over the menu obsessively in preparation.


For an appetizer I knew I had to have the deviled potatoes (roasted yukons, creamy potato filling, arugula, paprika, dill). I don’t know why they called to me; I’ve never even had a deviled egg. I guess, you know, potatoes. This was a phenomenal way to start the meal and rumor has it the recipe is in Isa’s new The Superfun Times Vegan Holiday Cookbook.


Against the protestations of my fellow diners, I chose the root vegetable chickpea korma (rutabaga parsnip coconut curry, persimmon chutney, tofu skewers, green beans, pickled onion) for my entree. What can I say? I often lean more towards vegetable heavy dishes than those showcasing tofu, tempeh, or seitan…not that there’s anything wrong with that. Other than the fact that I forgot to pick the micro cilantro off before mixing my dish (rookie mistake), this was very good.


I love a good drink, but sometimes I’m the designated driver. On those occasions I’m thrilled when there are fun and funky non-alcoholic beverages to choose from and, on this night, MLBK was offering a housemade blackberry vanilla soda that hit the spot.


For dessert, I went for the pumpkin praline cheesecake (graham cracker crust, candied pecans, coconut whip) and it was a rich, dense, tasty selection.

Overall the portions are generous crowd-pleasers; if you are a fan of Isa’s recipes, you’re already a fan of Modern Love.

My favorite thing about MLBK so far is that, although they’ve only been opened a short time, their menu has already changed regularly to reflect the weather/season/mood. In other words, if you could conceivably visit daily, you would not run out of things to try any time soon.

My only complaint is the Instagram un-friendly lighting, which was apparently a conscious choice by restaurateur. One review I read claimed that if the servers notice that you’re trying to photograph something, they come a-running to use their own phone’s flashlights as back-lighting. Well I am here to tell you that is NOT the case. On my visit, the servers (and Isa) were all too busy working and being friendly to take the time to sufficiently manage the brightness my social media presence. All I’m saying is, don’t blame me for these dark, grainy photos- just go and enjoy.


Brooklyn: Vegan Market this Sunday!

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Looking for something to do this weekend as we hurdle toward possible doom on Tuesday? Head on over to the newly renovated Market Hotel in Bushwick for a Vegan Market hosted by VgnMkt (get it?) this Sunday, November 6th 12:00noon – 6:00pm. All your favorite vendors will be there, so wear your elastic-waist pants and bring your favorite vegan tote bag! You’ll find me filling my face with Gone Pie, Peaceful Provisions, That’s Cheezy, and Vegicano; my tote will be brimming with Fanciful Fox and more. Go check the vendor list on the event page so you can plan your own day of favorites. Admission is free and all ages are welcome. See you there!


The Vendys Were Vegan-Friendly and Glorious!

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For the first time ever, this year’s Vendy Awards, in support of The Street Vendor Project, finally included a “Best Vegan” category! Not vegetarian, not vegan-friendly, but VEGAN. I was thrilled. Also a little skeptical…

In 2010, The Cinnamon Snail was a Vendy finalist. In 2011 they won the Maker’s Mark Challenge. They took home the People’s Choice in 2012. In 2013 they were a finalist again. And, in 2014, they finally took home the Vendy Cup.   Impressive? Absolutely. But what makes these honors all the more significant is that they achieved these wins competing up against almost all non-vegan vendors serving a predominantly non-vegan crowd and non-vegan judges. So, I’m convinced that the vegan category was put into place because the non-vegan vendors were hesitant to continue to compete against increasingly more amazing (and compassionate) vegan delicacies. Need more convincing? This year, the Best Vegan category had a separate People’s Choice from everyone else! Think about that for a moment.

But, I digress. It doesn’t really matter why they instituted the vegan category; what matters is that they did. And, it was distinctly because of the vegan category that I was so looking forward to attending. Rhe whole point of the Vendy Awards is to taste a plethora of street food options that are new or new-to-you and I was stoked to finally be able to participate–i.e. eat till I burst. Spoiler alert: mission accomplished.

It turned out that my extremely kind and generous benefactor had bestowed upon me the holy grail of Vendy tix: VIP admission. Finally treated like the star that I am! Aside from the lure of goodie bags, shaded tents, and unlimited booze, that also meant that we were able to enter the event at 11:30am–a full hour prior to everyone else. This is a huge coup because that hour boasts significantly shorter lines and, thusly, a quicker food-to-face turnover.

Monk’s Meat had a preemo spot right at the entrance and, despite visiting during VIP time (and, ahem, again later), there was already a considerable line. We took one look at their offerings and immediately joined the queue. No choice needed to be made; they simply handed us each a flight of decadent, hardy sliders presented impeccably on a rectangular plate by a cheerful host. Total knockout in every respect.


Next we tried lighter fare at Bamboo Bites. Disclaimer: I hate cilantro. I dug the premise and presentation, but it was really difficult to remove the abundance of sneaky bits lurking within. I did love the combo of tofu puff, peanut sauce, and crushed peanuts but, unfortunately, I couldn’t appreciate it as a whole. I’ll have to find them and request a non-cilantro’ed boat for a fair assessment. I don’t know why I didn’t just do that there. Oh, wait, yes I do. I was already full and clearly not thinking straight. Ah, well. Go get ‘em, cilantro-loving weirdos.


We purposefully worked up an appetite by taking a stroll around Governor’s Island and exploring the various exhibits throughout. When we returned, it was straight to the Jerk Shack where we couldn’t decide between the two options, so we asked for both. What can I say? We’re not shy. The roti was completely unlike the Indian roti I’m familiar with and I wasn’t 100{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} sold, but the contents were rich, fresh, and divine; my guest and I could not choose which was our favorite element, so we just inhaled our entire plates.


Mysttik Masaala had the longest line we’d encountered since the the commoners swarmed the grounds when the floodgates opened at 12:30pm. It was really hard to choose a dish, but when I overheard the owner, Yuvaraaj, asking people if they wanted cilantro or no/ spicy or no/ medium or very spicy, I knew it was finally my chance to have spicy bhelpuri untainted by cilantro. The staff was welcoming, inviting, and accommodating; my cilantro-less, very spicy dish was a bowl of rich, crunchy goodness. I can’t wait to find them on the streets of Manhattan to try everything else. Note: they are not a vegan truck, but they always have vegan options.


Yeah Dawg, shown here offering the exalted vegan judges Chef Chloe Coscarelli and Chef Adam Sobel their luscious samples, offered a choice of three of their famous dogs in halfsies: 2 of their classic varieties and 1 (very) new. The funniest vegan/non-vegan moment I witnessed was when a man yelled to his wife that he was getting a hot dog and asked if she wanted one. She looked at him quizzically and said no. As he walked over to her with dawg in hand, she yelled, “It’s not beef” and his whole face fell. Then he took a trepidatious bite, shrugged, and devoured the whole thing. Live a little, non-vegans! Broaden your horizons! Sheesh. Her loss.


Unfortunately, the 6th Best Vegan finalist, The Vegan Bandwagon was unable to participate.

So, it was just the fabulous five:


In addition to these offerings, some of the non-vegan vendors had a vegan option. I’ve not mentioned any here specifically because A) I’ve yammered on long enough, B) the options didn’t wow us, or C) we consciously chose to avoid in cases where it seemed likely the tempeh was likely seared on a grill alongside sizzling meat grime.

Now I know what you’re thinking and I want you to know that I was already fretting about it on the line for the ferry over. There was no 100{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} vegan dessert option! Such a travesty. Come on, dessert-creating friends; get to participating! Peaceful Provisions, I’m looking at you, sisters (see what I did there?)

Finally, the winners were announced:

Best Vegan, People’s Choice: Monk’s Meat! So well deserved.

Best Vegan: Mystikk Masaala, with a warm and gracious acceptance by the owner in appreciation of The Street Vendor Project.

A fun time was had by all. We spotted a few fellow vegans while we were there
(messagewear, natch)

and I identified a few after the fact on IG. It was nice to see the vegan set represent, but it was also pretty fabulous that so many non-vegans, including the non-vegan judges who participated in all categories, were able to get so many tastes of inventive vegan fare and perhaps realize we’re not all celery sticks and hummus. Viva la Vegan Vendys!
