
Petition: Let’s Get CCTV Into Slaughterhouses

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“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.” – Paul McCartney Paul McCartney’s famous words ring true for anyone who’s glimpsed the terrible things that happen to animals in abattoirs. But in the UK, far from having “glass walls”, most abattoirs are not even properly monitored, allowing shocking abuse to happen behind closed doors. […]


The World Cup in 32 Vegan Recipes

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To mark the clash of the nations in this year’s World Cup football championship in Brazil, we threw an international vegan feast, celebrating the best in plant-based cuisine from the competing countries. So whoever you’re rooting for in this year’s World Cup, why not munch along to the matches as they happen with these delicious […]


Major Victory for Seals! WTO Upholds EU’s Right to Ban Importation of Seal Fur

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JUST IN: In a landmark ruling for animals, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has decided to uphold the right to ban importing seal products into the European Union. This is a massive victory for compassion, and brings us one step closer to the day when no more baby seals will be shot or beaten to death on Canada’s ice floes.SEAL HAPPY copy

The ban on importing seal fur into the EU was first put in place in 2010, but the Canadian and Norwegian governments were trying to get it overturned, in a … Read more.


STA Travel Stops Promoting SeaWorld and Other Cruel Attractions

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Sta portrait

The world’s largest student travel company, STA Travel, has made the adventure even better by pulling promotions for three cruel attractions: SeaWorld, elephant rides and Thailand’s notorious Tiger Temple!

After meeting with PETA and learning how SeaWorld confines intelligent orcas to small tanks and forces them to perform meaningless tricks, STA Travel immediately vowed to sever all ties with the unethical business.

This compassionate move will make an impact around the world. STA Travel employs nearly 2,000 people in more than 200 branches across 12 countries. It’s also setting a higher … Read more.


Model Elen Rivas: Choose Melons Over Meat

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To mark National Vegetarian Week, model Elen Rivas stars in a sexy ad campaign for PETA that showcases the benefits of a meat-free diet.

Model poses naked on fruit stand to spread vegetarian message

The ad, which was shot by top celebrity photographer Pal Hansen, points out the health perks of giving up eating animals. Studies show that vegetarians and vegans are, on average, slimmer than meat-eaters and have lower rates of heart disease and cancer.

Barcelona-born Elen has many reasons for going vegetarian. As she says, “When I sit down to eat, I feel great knowing that nobody had to … Read more.