
Heartbreaking Pics Show Sunder Is Still Suffering While He Waits to Be Moved

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Last month, PETA India won a court case to get abused elephant Sunder released to a sanctuary. Now, while Sunder waits to be transferred from the temple where he has endured years of beatings and abuse to a sanctuary, as the court had ordered, it has emerged that he’s suffering from heartbreaking injuries.

During a recent veterinary inspection by an elephant expert, the 14-year-old elephant was found with what the health examination report calls a “MASSIVE wound … as a result of constant tying with heavy chains”. The expert’s report also … Read more.


Why Have We Washed Manchester’s Pavements to Spread the Veggie Message?

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“Meat Is Still Murder” – that’s the message that we’ve quite literally taken to the streets of Manchester, with 20 stencils throughout the city to celebrate the 55th birthday of compassionate legend Morrissey!


The innovative street art is an example of “clean advertising”, using stencils to wash the pavement and leave a message behind.


Thirty years since The Smiths first proclaimed that “meat is murder”, the eye-catching campaign in Morrissey’s hometown – which also coincides with National V
egetarian Week
– reminds people that millions of animals a day are still … Read more.


Peter Gabriel: Don’t Shock, Poison or Kill the Monkey

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Rock-and-roll icon Peter Gabriel has just taken time out from his European tour to sound off about an issue that is completely inexcusable – Air France’s involvement in trafficking primates for animal testing. In a letter that he sent to Air France CEO Alexandre de Juniac, the “Sledgehammer” singer points out that Air France is the only airline that still transports monkeys to laboratories where they are caged, experimented on and killed. He wrote the following:

Before arriving at their final destination, these intelligent, sensitive primates are torn from their homes and

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5 Inspirational Stories About Everyday Heroes to Animals

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Like humans, animals often find themselves in situations of need. Thankfully, there are compassionate people who are ready to spring to their aid, sometimes even at the risk of their own safety. Here are some inspiring stories from people who impressed us so much with their compassion that we recognised them with an award!

Happisburgh Lifeboat Crew



Labrador Quila had been swept out to sea by strong tides at Sea Palling, just days before Christmas last year. Quilla’s guardian had taken her out for a walk along the coast when she … Read more.


You Me At Six’s Josh Franceschi Takes On SeaWorld

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“I think we live in a society now where people should be told the truth …”

That was You Me At Six lead singer Josh Franceschi‘s motivation for speaking out, after he saw the mesmerising film Blackfish and learned the real story of how SeaWorld’s orcas are treated.

Watch his exclusive interview:

Josh, who comes from Weybridge, Surrey, describes himself as “a big animal person” and was deeply saddened by the tragic tale of Tilikum the orca at the heart of Blackfish who was kidnapped and taken away from … Read more.