
We Animals: Taking on the Taboo

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We Animals by Jo-Anne McArthur is a brave and powerful book that addresses this very topic. McArthur is the photographer who was featured in the recent film The Ghosts in Our Machine. She travels around the world photographing animals “behind the scenes” and their various relationships (negative and positive) with humans. Her photographs are achingly beautiful, disturbing and thought provoking, as is the commentary she provides alongside each one


“Skinny Juices”: Cleanse, Build and Strengthen – a Review

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Juicing and blending has become a way of life for my family – it’s part of our morning routine, and it’s not something I usually pull a cookbook out for – normally I open the fridge (half the time somewhat bleary-eyed), and concoct a mixture of whatever fruit and veg we have in the fridge. Maybe throw in some nuts/seeds, a few superfoods. It’s a treasured part of our day, but sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in a rut making morning beverages out of the same combinations. For this reason I have had lots of fun flipping through the recipes in Danielle Omar’s new book Skinny Juices published by Da Capo Press


VeganWALL: A New Social Network JUST For Vegans

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It’s getting easier to be vegan in this non-vegan world – some days more than others! – but there is a new tool being launched this September that will make it easier than ever. VeganWALL is being developed as an online community specifically for vegans that will help like-minded people to connect and share information about food, clothing, events, products and more