
Cooling Down with Choosing Raw: A Review

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I have been veg for so long now I sometimes scoff when people say to me, “but being vegan must be so hard!” That’s before I remember that I’ve been doing this for close to 20 years, so of course it’s not hard – for me. But when I think about raw food, that’s exactly what I think: “That must be so hard!”


Vegan Unite! A New Online Vegan Marketplace Takes the Stage

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Have you ever fallen in love with a pair of boots or a scarf, or a wallet only to find out that it’s not vegan? Have you ever wished that you could go somewhere to shop and not worry about checking EVERY SINGLE label, or look up EVERY SINGLE product to make sure it’s vegan, cruelty-free, eco-friendly, etc, etc, etc? Do you have a great vegan product idea and wish there was somewhere you could reach “the conscious consumer”? Well, that place is here – it’s new, and still relatively small, but it’s growing, and it’s growing fast!


Salad Samurai: Salads No Longer Suck!

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I distinctly remember wishing when I was a teenager that I loved salad as much as I loved chocolate. Well, many years later I feel like they’re a lot closer in my heart than once they were, and Terry Hope Romero’s brand new cookbook Salad Samurai might just help push me over the edge! In her “New Salad Manifesto” introduction, Terry recounts a situation that ALL vegans have lived through at least once, and likely many times


Veggie Prom Heads West: Get your dancing shoes on, LA!

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What do you remember of your high school prom? Whether it’s something you’d like to relive, or something you’d like to re-do, your chance is coming up, if you live in or near LA. On June 28, 2014 the Veggie Prom is coming to Los Angeles! It’s an event that has happened in other cities, but never before in LA. Vegan Mainstream recently chatted with organizers Steven Todd Smith and Jessica Schoech to find out more


Vegan Finger Foods: A Bite-Sized Review

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Who doesn’t love finger foods? They’re perfect for parties, potlucks and quick, light dinners – but really great vegan appetizers can be difficult to come by. Being a true lover of hummus of many varieties, hummus and veggies with a side of pickles/olives tends to be my appy of choice. However, a whole new world of possibilities has opened up with the new cookbook Vegan Finger Foods by Celine Steen and Tamasin Noyes