
Those Nutty Vegans :-)

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I had to smile when I saw the title of this cookbook, Vegans Go Nuts, by Celine Steen and Joni Marie Newman. You know, a lot of people would say vegans are nuts, period (I can say that as a long-time vegan). 🙂 Seriously though, this is a fun cookbook from the title to the […]


Fun with Noodles and Ribbons and Zoodles – Oh! My!

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I don’t think there’s anything that makes a dish prettier than curly vegetables in the form of noodles, zoodles, ribbons or spirals! They are a great way to add height and color to a dish, not to mention the fact that they make a lot of vegetables that you might not otherwise consider eating raw […]


A Little Vegan Book Packed with Big Flavor Recipes

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There’s something about little books that I love – well, there’s something about almost ALL books that I love – but with little books, I think it’s the fact that I feel like I can take them anywhere. There aren’t many cookbooks that fit into that category. Usually they’re pretty big and bulky, or they […]