
Gluten Free Vegan Desserts

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Mmmm, another vegan Polish Easter. Always a treat. This Easter, as is often the case when bringing food to a potluck or shared meal, I was tasked with making the desserts. No problem there! I enjoy baking, and it’s nice to not be the only one partaking of a fresh pan of cookies, etc., LOL. […]


Nutrition and Supplementation for Vegetarians

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During the first half of 2009, the Vegan Done Light newsletter ran what turned out to be its most controversial series, a hard-hitting, no-holds-barred, analysis of the research on vegetarian nutrition and supplements. I’d asked Michael Rae, once a vitamin industry insider, a long-time vegetarian (then, perhaps still?), and now VP of Research for the […]


Mixed Berry Cobbler

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The following is a quick and easy, low-fat dessert from Off The Reservation by Glen Merzer, a novel with 20 vegan recipes by the author’s wife Joanna Samorow-Merzer, reprinted with permission. I was sent a review copy, but have not had a chance to read it yet (sorry about that). On the other hand, there’s […]


Best Vegan Source of Vitamin B12

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In a review article published May 2014 as part of a special issue of the journal Nutrients entitled “Vegan diets and Human health”, authors Fumio Watanabe, Yukinori Yabuta, Tomohiro Bito and Fei Teng examined Vitamin B12-containing plant food sources for vegetarians. Through a comparison of plant-based foods, they sought to determine the best source of […]


Green Smoothies In The Freezer Section

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The other day, while picking out some frozen berries at the grocery store, I was pleasantly surprised to see a bag of strawberries, blueberries, and cherries that already contained kale! It’s from Wyman’s of Maine from whom (hey, corporations are people, right? ) I regularly purchase 3 lb bags of blueberries, either solo or mixed […]