
Combating Disabling Diseases with Food

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This year’s annual review by Dr. Michael Greger of recent clinical nutrition research is now available for your viewing and educational pleasure. As always, his delivery is rapid-fire, humorous, and most importantly, informative! From Table to Able: Combating Disabling Diseases with Food Dr. Greger considers this presentation the third of a trilogy of lectures. The […]


New Dr. Esselstyn Studies

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A couple new articles by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D., author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, are making their rounds in the vegan community. And who can blame us for wanting to share them? These are exciting results indeed, once again showing reversal of cardiovascular disease with a low-fat plant-based diet, this time in […]


GMO Myths and Truths

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Today saw the second annual March Against Monsanto, a global anti-GMO protest with demonstrations held in at least 52 countries and 47 US states. Indeed, on my errands in town today, I spotted a gathering of sign holders attempting to inform the people in passing cars that we’re all “lab rats.” Unfortunately, they chose a […]


Vegan Carob Protein Balls

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The recipe that follows is one variation of a peanut butter carob protein ball that I make frequently to snack on during lunch meetings at work or while playing at chess tournaments. They are a superb and tasty source of energy, rather filling for their size, relatively healthy compared to store-bought protein bars, and easy […]


Eastern Philosophy

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Recently, a co-worker asked me if I had any suggestions for books on Buddhism. As a bibliophile and one who has been interested in Eastern philosophies since college, I was only too happy to oblige and thought I’d briefly share them here. The first recommendation was “anything by Alan Watts.” Watts was instrumental in bringing […]