
A Case Study in the Futility of Animal Welfare Reform: The Animal Aid Pig Farm Campaign

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Animal Aid, a UK group that promotes welfare reform, has a new campaign. Animal Aid wants your help (and donations) to stop a large pig farm from being approved and built in Lincolnshire. Here is a screenshot of the description of this campaign: Click to enlarge. If this campaign is successful, the facility will be […]

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Abolitionist Vegan Advocacy/Education Tips: On Health

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Remember that when you are speaking to a nonvegan, you are dealing with someone who thinks that consuming animal products is as natural–and necessary–as breathing and your challenge sounds as bizarre as a suggestion that they stop breathing! This is one reason why it is important to know enough about the nutritional aspects of veganism […]

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Abolitionist Intersectionality

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Principle Five of the Six Principles of the Abolitionist Approach states that the rights of humans and nonhumans are inextricably intertwined. Treating any sentient being as a thing is morally unjustifiable. All forms of exclusion and discrimination are interrelated. All forms of exclusion and discrimination constitute violence. Abolitionists reject them all. Some who talk about […]

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Sexism and Racism in the “Animal Movement”: A Reply to Ruby Hamad

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December 20, 2015 Ruby Hamad Daily Life Dear Ms. Hamad: I read your essay about racism and sexism in the “animal movement.” You state: This is the core of what is wrong with the mainstream vegan community today. So many of its adherents refuse to make the connection between human oppression and the exploitation […]

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Our Grassroots Movement is Growing

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The corporate “animal movement” is big business. Every year, it brings in hundreds of millions of dollars. How does it do that? By selling the idea of “compassionate exploitation.” The “movement” sells the idea that life can go on as usual and people can continue on as before–as long as they give a donation so […]

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