
The Anti-Hunting “Ban” in the UK: A Great Business Opportunity for Animal Welfare Groups

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In 2009, I wrote about how the supposed ban on fox hunting was very seriously flawed in a number of ways. After raising a great deal of money, welfarists succeeded in getting a “ban” that prohibited using hounds to hunt foxes but, among other things, allowed hunters to use hounds to follow a scent and […]

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Animal Exploitation: Brought to You by “Animal Advocates”

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I regularly get newsletters from the Global Animal Partnership (GAP), about which I have written before. The most recent GAP newsletter features an interview with Wayne Langston, VP of Production for Panorama, Grass-fed Meats- a company based in California that sells Organic, 100{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} Grass-Fed beef, which has a Step 4 happy exploitation designation. (click to […]

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“Journeys” Into Speciesism

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For some reason that eludes me, some animal advocates believe that because it took them a while to go vegan, the position of the animal rights movement should be that individual “journeys” are just fine. But that is absurd. Imagine someone saying, “It took me a while to stop being a racist so I think […]

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The Ringling Circus Elephants: Another “Victory” That Isn’t

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According to the animal welfare corporations, the decision to remove elephants from the Ringling Circus in three years represents a victory of monumental proportions. In fact, I received this email (my email program thought it was a “scam”!) from Paul Shapiro of HSUS, who, quoting no less a figure than Nelson Mandela, declared it to […]

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Is Veganism Elitist? No. But Nonveganism Is!

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A purported objection to veganism I’ve heard about 12 million times: “But veganism is elitist.” What complete nonsense. Elitism involves promoting a perceived superiority of some sort. It involves the idea of according less moral value to the “inferior.” As 2 seconds of thinking make clear, veganism is not elitist in any way. On the […]

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