
Video of Rutgers Conference: “Animal Ethics: Abolition, Regulation, or Citizenship?”

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On April 11, 2014, Rutgers University School of Law had a Conference, Animal Ethics: Abolition, Regulation, or Citizenship? that featured: Anna E. Charlton, Adjunct Professor of Law, Rutgers School of Law–Newark, and former Director, Rutgers Animal Rights Law Clinic Luis E. Chiesa, Professor of Law and Director, Buffalo Criminal Law Center, SUNY Buffalo Sherry F. […]

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The Vegan Society: “Corporate Partners” With “Sustainable” Animal Agriculture

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Triodos Bank invests in, among other things, organic/”sustainable” animal farming. (Click to enlrage.) And guess who’s a Corporate Partner with Triodos Bank? That’s right. The Vegan Society. (Click to enlarge.) (Click to enlarge.) Please understand: I am not saying that The Vegan Society should not accept a donation from Triodos–or anyone else. No money is […]

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The Vegan Society: You Decide

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In the face of significant criticism for embracing “flexible veganism” in the form of its “You don’t have to be vegan to be buy products with the Vegan Society Trademark” rebrand, The Vegan Society put out a statement on August 5, 2014 that read, in part, that its “aims and objectives remain unaltered from those […]

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Speciesism in a Nutshell

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(Click to enlarge.) ********** If you are not vegan, please go vegan. Veganism is about nonviolence. First and foremost, it’s about nonviolence to other sentient beings. But it’s also about nonviolence to the earth and nonviolence to yourself. The World is Vegan! If you want it. Gary L. Francione Board of Governors Distinguished Professor, Rutgers […]

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You Can’t Make This Stuff Up: Vegan Society “Ambassador” Claims That Promoting Veganism as a Moral Baseline “Damages” Animals

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Fiona Oakes, Marathon runner and “Ambassador” of The Vegan Society, who stated on BBC Radio that veganism is not “for everyone” and “not probably for very many people” and who reinforced the notion that those who promote veganism as a matter of moral baseline and moral imperative are “aggressive, petty. . .fundamentalist nutters” stated that […]

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