
What? The Humane Slaughter Act is Not Being Enforced?

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Farm Sanctuary has done a Freedom of Information Act request and has discovered that the United States Department of Agriculture is not doing a good job enforcing the Humane Slaughter Act and the problem is apparently particularly bad in Des Moines, Iowa. WHAT? The USDA not enforcing the Humane Slaughter Act? Come on, Farm Sanctuary. […]

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“Kicking Animals is WRONG.” So Is Killing Them.

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Animal welfare charity Mercy for Animals (MFA) has a new “undercover” video. Guess what? They have discovered that animals are kicked and otherwise treated badly at livestock markets. Imagine that. MFA is outraged: Sure it is. But MFA, here’s some news: using animals for food–whether they are kicked or not–is WRONG. MFA urges: “SPEAK OUT […]

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EAT LIKE YOU CARE: An Examination of the Morality of Eating Animals is now available in Spanish. COME CON CONCIENCIA: Un análisis sobre la moralidad del consumo de animales is now available on all Amazon sites: U.S.; Spain; Mexico; Brazil; Canada‘ U.K.; Germany; Italy; Japan; India; Australia You do NOT need a Kindle device to […]

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The Kapparos Campaign: A Good Example of What’s Wrong with Single-Issue Campaigns

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On June 12, 2014, I spoke on a panel at the New York City Bar Association as part of a panel on Kapparos, which involves ritual use of chickens. An animal advocate, Karen Davis of United Poultry Concerns, gave a presentation in which she showed photos of the various abuses of chickens used in the […]

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Commentary: Vegan Education/Advocacy, “Forcing” Others to Go Vegan, and Animal Ethics as Involving Obligation and Not Choice

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We are going to start podcasting again as time permits. In fact, we are going to be creating a new series as “Vegan.FM.” For now, it’s still the Abolitionist Approach Commentary. In this Commentary, Anna Charlton and I discuss educating yourself so that you can educate others, the importance of doing education/advocacy in your community, […]

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