
The Animal Rights Movement: Moving Backwards

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Here is a video of the talk I gave at George Brown College in Toronto, Canada, on August 12, 2016: ********** If you are not vegan, please go vegan. Veganism is about nonviolence. First and foremost, it’s about nonviolence to other sentient beings. But it’s also about nonviolence to the earth and nonviolence to yourself. […]

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Essay on Domestication and Pet Ownership

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Our essay on domestication and pet ownership was published by Aeon. It’s generated quite a bit of controversy, including being the subject of a comment by Wesley Smith in the The National Review. The Abolitionist position on domestication is also explored in other posts on this site, including here and here. ********** If you are […]

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A Plea To Feminists Who Are Vegetarian But Who Still Consume Dairy or Eggs

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Please rethink your position. Dairy products represent a fundamental violation of the rights of nonhumans. Dairy is not morally distinguishable from meat. Indeed, dairy represents a violation of rights that should be of great concern to feminists: Cows are repeatedly and forcibly impregnated using a device called the “rape rack.” Their babies are taken from […]

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Animal Rights and Slavery/Rape Analogies

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Ever since the early 1990s, I have been arguing that the regulation of animal exploitation is not only immoral (if it is morally wrong to exploit animals, it is wrong to promote the supposedly “humane” exploitation of animals), but is, as a practical matter, doomed to failure because the property status of animals means that […]

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