
Advocacy Tip: Judge Action, Not Individuals

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You cannot have a useful discussion intended to change the behavior of another if you approach that other person as someone who is evil. That’s just common sense. So always make sure that the person with whom you are talking understands that you are focusing on the immorality of animal exploitation as an institutionalized practice […]

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The Importance of Veganism in Economically Deprived Communities

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In economically deprived communities in the United States, health problems hit people harder than they do in other places because, despite Obama Care, there is still a tremendously inequitable distribution of health resources. Therefore, it becomes even more important to educate people in those communities about how animal foods are harming them, and how a […]

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Animal Ethics: Simple Common Sense

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Many animal advocates seem to think that if you deliver a vegan message to someone who is not willing to go vegan immediately, that person won’t do anything at all. These animal advocates conclude that we should, instead, promote cage-free eggs, crate-free pork, and reducetarianism. On what is this assumption founded? Common sense tells us […]

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Guest Essay: Dear Vegan Feminists, Where Are You? An Open Letter

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This essay was originally post on A troll appeared and posted a number of problematic messages. The matter was reported to Ecorazzi and they removed the post for the time being until they return from the Chicago Vegan Food and Drink Festival. In the interim, the essay is available here. ********************************** Dear Vegan Feminists, […]

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The Speciesism of “Plural Approaches”

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In response to a critique of welfare reform and other approaches that actually promote animal exploitation, some supposed animal advocates say that we need “plural approaches.” They say that, in addition to promoting veganism as a moral baseline, we need to promote “happy” exploitation, and moral relativism (e.g., veganism is a matter of “our journey” […]

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