
Harambe and the Chicken

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Many people are very upset about the killing of Harambe, the gorilla imprisoned in an Ohio zoo. They ought to be upset. It was wrong to imprison Harambe. It was wrong to kill him. But what happened to Harambe is no more wrong than what happens to all of the animals we use for food […]

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Veganism as a Moral Imperative

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Principle Three of the Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights is that veganism is a moral imperative: Abolitionists agree with welfarists that animal exploitation is not going to disappear “overnight” and that we need to take incremental steps—what welfarists call “baby steps”—to get to the goal of abolition. But abolitionists reject welfare reform campaigns and single-issue […]

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“Silencing” Fellow Advocates

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Casey Taft, who co-owns Vegan Publishers with his spouse, has written an essay in which he attacks a “well-known advocate” for “silencing fellow advocates.” He is well aware that the essay is being interpreted to refer to me and that is precisely what he intended. I have several responses: First, Taft claims that I “silenced” […]

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Guest Essay: This is Why New Welfarists Should Stop Equivocating on Moral Principles Concerning Animals: A Response to Mercy For Animals

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Mercy for Animals has posted a rather breathtaking essay entitled, This Is Why Vegans Should Stop Being Mean to Vegetarians, in which MFA characterizes as “mean” those who promote veganism as a moral baseline or imperative. Here is a response from Dr. Frances McCormack, who is also one-half of the Grumpy Old Vegans. In order […]

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Incremental Reform in the Human Context Is Not Analogous to Welfare Reform and Single-Issue Campaigns in the Nonhuman Context

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A question we received: If we think that the prison-industrial complex is wrong and we want to abolish it, we would all think it would be okay to work at the same time for single issue campaigns to improve the lives of the prisoners who are presently stuck in the system, right? So why isn’t […]

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