
Challenging Peter Singer’s Paternity Claim

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I Peter Singer initially gained fame by popularizing utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s idea that just as race should not be used to exclude humans from the moral community and justify their enslavement, species should not used to justify treating animals as things. Singer borrowed the term “speciesism” from psychologist Richard Ryder and argued that using […]

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Business As Usual: VegfestUK and the Animal Welfare Industry

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Last year, 2015, I spoke at two VegfestUK events. I was invited to speak at four in 2016. On January 31, 2016, Tim Barford, the owner of VegfestUK, and Alan V. Lee, Operations and Marketing Manager at VegfestUK, disinvited me from speaking at further VegfestUK events. On February 3, they issued another statement. This essay […]

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The Vegan Society Senior Officer of Advocacy and Policy Rejects Veganism as a Moral Baseline

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In my essay on “intersectionalist vegans,” I carefully documented explicit and overt speciesiesm on the part of a number of figureheads in the intersectionalist movement. Whatever else anyone wants to say, it is crystal clear that, for example, Breeze Harper, a member of the Board of Black Vegans Rock (BVR), rejects veganism as a moral […]

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The Meaning of “THE WORLD IS VEGAN! If you want it.”

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Many welfarist vegans and intersectional vegans do not seem to understand the ideas behind the idea that “THE WORLD IS VEGAN! If we want it.” It’s really quite simple. There are three central ideas here. First, this expression denotes that veganism is a moral choice and that it is one we can make today—right now—if […]

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Chris Hedges and I Talk About Veganism

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Here is a discussion on veganism that I had with writer, journalist, and political theorist/activist Chris Hedges ********** If you are not vegan, please go vegan. Veganism is about nonviolence. First and foremost, it’s about nonviolence to other sentient beings. But it’s also about nonviolence to the earth and nonviolence to yourself. If animals matter […]

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