
Product Review: Daiya’s new Alfredo Cheezy Mac!

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Ever since I moved to LA, I’ve noticed people getting super pretentious about what I’m eating, and that’s just not my bag, baby. I live right next to a Taco Bell, and let me tell you, that alone makes this lil’ studio of mine my fave place I’ve ever lived. I dig vegan fast food, I like fancy restaurants, I love it all. I want food in front of me all the time, so I learned how to cook and became a professional baker. I’m in restaurants all the time thanks to my career, and though it’s not by any means easy work, the plus is that I get to eat constantly!

The second I got wind of Daiya Foods Cheezy Mac available in Ralph’s, I scurried over straight after work and to my delight, they were in fact on the shelves! I hate crowds; I avoid Expo West like the plague. It turns out every vegan food geek I follow on Instagram has tried it already via Expo West, so once again I’m late to the party (just like everything else in life, but I take public transit.). 


You’re here for a review, I know, I know. Here goes: it was exactly what I expected. It was pricey, and at almost $6 a pop, I will probs only pick it up in the future when it’s on sale, or I’m famished. It’s cheesy, easy to make and tasty. Plus it’s super saucy! No noodle was left dry! I’m so stoked it’s available at a chain grocery store, because that’s a step in the right direction in terms of making vegan food accessible. In San Francisco I lived across the street from Whole Foods and worked right by Rainbow Grocery, but that’s not my life in LA, and also not most other people’s lives. The mac is vegan, soy free, gluten free and organic, which explains the price, but in other respects that drives home the belief that only rich people can be vegan. 


I really appreciated the ease in which this mac can be thrown together as well. The sauce is already in a liquid form, as opposed to Earth Balance brand, which you have to add oil and non-dairy milk to. On the nights I want hot food, am exhausted and have hit up Taco Bell too many times to look myself in the mirror, I’d reach for the Daiya Cheezy Mac without a second thought. 

I haven’t tried the Cheddar flavor, and I’m really interested to do so! The White Cheddar would entice me if not for those weird, sad vegetables in it. I’m mean, they’re normal everyday vegetables, but if I wanted veggies in my mac, OH RIGHT, I NEVER WANT VEGGIES IN MY MAC.* Also, if you own Mayim’s Vegan Table, her cheese sauce, made with Daiya, tastes exactly the same. To make Alfredo sauce, I’d use the mozzarella and the juice of about half a lemon. I don’t mean to dis this mac by saying that! Making it at home would cost about the same, if not a little more than buying this box. I’m blogging, it’s 1am, and I just want you to have all the facts. 

*When I want fake healthy I get a bean burrito made fresco with 15 fire sauce packs. Look, I live in MacArthur Park, there is nothing vegan for me here. Well, Smart and Final does have tofu and that really great hummus with the pine nuts, but they just aren’t open late night. Sorry not sorry. 


Cookbook review: Terry Hope Romero’s Vegan Eats World!

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This book review is long overdue! I’ve been starting over in LA, working hard to become a star of the vegan pastry world at SunCafe in Studio City, whipping up caramel apple cobblers and creamy pumpkin cheesecakes. Anyway, this post isn’t supposed to be about me, it’s about Terry Hope Romero’s most recent cookbook, Vegan Eats World: 300 International Recipes for Savoring the Planet.

Romero is the coauthor of Veganomicon (in the words of Megan Rascal “you really should have that”), Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the WorldVegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie JarVegan Pie in the Sky and solo author of the book we’re reviewing today, Vegan Eats World, as well as Salad Samurai and Viva Vegan. Romero is a super big deal and has done a lot of groundbreaking things within the vegan world, starting with co-starring in this cooking show! She and Isa Chandra Moskowitz are such dynamic, inspiring, powerful forces!

On another note, I’ve had the opportunity to recipe-test some of Romero’s stuff (not affiliated with this book) for VegNews in the past, so I know she’s legit. Her recipes were always super easy to follow and came out the way they were supposed to, which, let me tell you, is all you can really ask for when recipe-testing. 

TRUTH: I’ve only made one thing out of Vegan Eats World, which was the pickled red onions (pp. 62). I chose them because I had just moved from the Bay Area and want my food to look like everything that comes out of the Hella Vegan Eats food truck. The onions from Vegan Eats World came out truly magnificent! From here on out, all of my homemade food shall be dressed with beautiful, fuchsia, pickled onions! Why not? No one can stop me now

imageCondiment, modern art, or both?!

Now that Southern California is finally acknowledging the change of seaons, let me share with you some recipes I am delighted to try next: pumpkin churros, steamed bbq seitan buns, sweet and savory jackfruit carnitas, Jamaican plantain and pumpkin curry, and filo samosas with tamarind date chutney! 

Meave interjection: I also love this book! In order, I’ve made the fast-lane cabbage kimchi (pp. 56); yellow split pea soup with chard (pp. 122); pumpkin coconut curry (pp. 136); kimchi tofu stew (pp. 151); and Very Nice Chickpea Crepes (pp. 205). Everything has been great, and the yellow split pea soup with chard somehow resulted in the creamiest, softest, richest yellow split peas I’ve ever made. I’m terrible at split peas and tempeh, you guys, it’s a curse. But Vegan Eats World RULES. Now, back to Jenny!

As with all my favorite cookbooks, there is all kinds of resourceful information about kitchen appliances and equipment, ingredients, how-tos when it comes to chopping, definitions on kitchen vocab, and a fun introduction. The tips and tools section is always my favorite part to read, and this one does not disappoint! I’ve been working in restaurants for the last decade, most recently as a line cook and not a baker, so I should know what sweating vegetables means, but I did not. Not until reading Romero’s explanation, that is! And then right afterward I had to sweat some mushrooms at work so talk about a coincidence, right? 

Since Vegan Eats World has already been on the shelves for a time already, I have no doubt some of you already have and love it. Share with me your favorite recipes, please? It will be like an online potluck of sorts! Or more like a recipe exchange, whatever. Regardless, I adore talking about recipes and food, almost as much as cramming it into my gourd (elegantly sitting up straight, napkin in lap, no elbows on the table, grandma, I swear!).

Disclosure: I was sent this book free of charge from the publisher; all opinions stated above are my own. 


VEGAN CHEESE NEWS: Miyoko’s Kitchen cheeses are hitting select NorCal retailers!

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imageAvailable at these locations and mooooore.

Hey hey, Bay Area cheese lovers! Fantastic news: Miyoko Schinner’s cheese line, Miyoko’s Kitchen, is now available IN RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS! It’s true, you can pick up this fine, artisanal vegan product at select Northern California Whole Foods Markets, Republic of VRainbow Grocery and Good Earth Natural Foods. Because of the success of the online sales, the plan is to expand into more West Coast retailers, restaurants, and then of course the world at large.*  

I have yet to try any of her cheeses; anticipation is running high! December means a trip to the Bay to celebrate the holidays with family, so fingers crossed the Redwood City Whole Foods has these babies in stock when I get to town. If it should happen my cheeses are not on the shelves, there are now like three trillion startups in the Bay, where I can get people riding unicorns to hand deliver anything I want, right? [apparently so]

Our Caroline recently tried Miyoko’s cheeses, so naturally I grilled her for information. I adore vegan cheeses (shout-out to my first loveFYH soy mozzarella) and I needed answers. You understand. Caroline told me her absolute fave was the Aged English Smoked Farmhouse, and that she was “super-impressed by the textures. All the flavors were on point. I wasn’t sure what to expect so I can honestly say my mind was blown.” High praise from a trusty source. OOoooOOOoo, and it looks like Megan and Meave had a little party over in Brooklyn—DANG IT, I CAN’T WAIT TO JUMP ON THIS TRAIN! I detest being left behind!

Living the dream.

One more thing: I thought I’d have to go to the trouble of figuring out wine pairings but check it: it’s already been done! Thank goodness because I don’t really know anything about wine pairing, I just know about wine enjoying. Oh man, I am so great at that part. 

*Or at least, according to the press release, nationwide and Australia. 

[Photos via]


Need a side dish for tonight? I just made…

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Need a side dish for tonight? I just made Isa’a caramelized beets, and they were delicious! Mine came out pretty close to what the picture on The PPK looks like, maybe a tad more charred. Oops! That is what happens when you ignore instructions like “cut 3/4-inch chunks” and dice them very small instead. Doesn’t matter, still delectable. I just have to do a quick shout-out to my internet friend Angie for guiding me to the recipe in the first place!

May I suggest buying beets with the greens still attached, as opposed to loose beets, to make this recipe? The greens and stems are absolute perfection sautéed! [Ed. note: this sounds like crazy talk] All you need is a little salt, pepper and olive oil. While Isa suggests serving with quinoa, I shudder at the notion. Not only does quinoa taste just awful to me, I’m uncomfortable for days after eating it. This affects about one in 15,000 vegans.* If you don’t do quinoa either, and you’re out there, reading this, know you don’t have to hide it anymore! We’re out there, I’ve found others, you’re not alone. 

*I made that up, it’s a number based on emotion. The emotion of isolation.