
Oatmeal every day….

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Eating a small bowl of oatmeal may be the secret to a longer life, a large new study suggests. Harvard University researchers reviewed two large studies that followed more than 100,000 people who were periodically quizzed about what they ate and how they lived for more than 14 years. It turns out the folks who […]



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  A global campaign known as Veganuary asks people to make a New Year’s pledge to give up all meat, eggs and dairy for the entire month of January. The movement is the brainchild of British husband and wife team Matthew Glover and Jane Land. Inspired by Movember, a viral campaign that asks men to […]


O Olive Oil

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Jane and I have always enjoyed dipping good bread in olive oil and balsamic. A few years ago we were introduced to Dukkah: a mix of ground roast nuts and spices, originating in Egypt, and used as a dip. You add a bit of olive oil and balsamic to your plate and then a small spoonful of dukkah (you […]


Non Vegan Beer

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MANY years ago, I wrote that many beers are not vegan because of a very old process, called isinglass where fish innards are used to process beer. Just surfing the net, I stumbled upon an article from last year in Smithsonian discussing this. So just as a reminder:   Guinness sells about 10 million pints […]



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Thanksgiving has always been a special day in our house. Once we became vegan, our menu was mostly the same, simply veganized and minus the turkey. Over the years we’ve tried a wide variety of turkey substitutes, but our absolute favorite is the Gardein Holiday Roast. It is supposed to serve 8, but even though […]