
Are you getting enough protein?

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You’re vegan? Where do your protein? Yes, every single vegan on the planet has been asked this question. It’s usually the first question people will ask you when they find out that you are a vegan. I don’t calorie count. I don’t count grams of protein every day. I believe we eat well. So much so that after 10 years as a vegan, our blood results haven’t shown any deterioration. Many friends (“normal eaters”) have seen their health situation decline. The NY Times had an article this week about protein intake. The article is suggesting that many of us may — meat eaters


Vegan Potluck for Social Change

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Join us this Friday for *Vegan Potluck for Social Change*! Hello all, as you may have noticed,  we’ve decided to postpone “DIY DATE NIGHT”, Vegan Iron Chef’s Italian American-themed holiday event, until Friday, February 10, 2017. With the shock of the national election results, it just didn’t sit right with us in our hearts to do something so soon, while awesome, that felt frivolous. We didn’t want to distract, or carry on as normal. We truly want to inspire people through food and community, but right now, it’s time to aspire to change, connect, and support all of the communities we care


Vegan Buttermilk Pancakes

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I have been thinking about pancakes lately….  these look incredible. When pancakes get put on the table there is a special feeling in the air. It’s usually on the weekend when no one is being rushed out the door and there is time for comradery around the table. Whether it be silly giggles or conversations about daily events the pancakes are disappearing. If you want to see the recipe, click the pic Source: Vegan in the freezer