
Vegan Superhero Terry Hope Romero is coming to Los Angeles TO…

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Vegan Superhero Terry Hope Romero is coming to Los Angeles TO COOK FOR YOU. She is THE BOMB DOT COM (technical term). We love Terry so so much, and this will be a meal to remember! So get your ass to Mohawk Bend and eat all her food at the Authors Worth Celebrating dinner! YUM YUM GET YOU SOME ETC I AM STARVING IS IT LUNCH YET.

Event Details:
Monday, September 15
$30/per person, 4-course vegan meal 
Mohawk Bend
2141 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90026
Event link on FB

About Terry Hope Romero:
Terry Hope Romero is the author or co-author of several bestselling and award-winning cookbooks, including her collaborations with Isa Chandra Moskowitz (Vegan Pie in the Sky, Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, and the “vegan Bible” Veganomicon), as well as Viva Vegan!, which contains 200 recipes for Latin food lovers, and Vegan Eats World, a 300 recipe worldwide culinary tour of vegan cuisine. In 2011 she was named “Favorite Cookbook Author” by VegNews. She lives in Queens, New York.

About the Authors Worth Celebrating series:
The “Authors Worth Celebrating” series at Mohawk Bend spotlights authors who share Mohawk Bend’s community values. With inspiration from the guest author, our Executive Chef creates a delicious multi-course meal for attendees to enjoy while they get to know the guest author, and the inspiration for their books, through robust conversation. Past authors featured include Joseph Shuldiner, Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Tal Ronnen, Laurie David, Mayim Bialik and Randy Clemens!


Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use: having a pool pawty this weekend?

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Have you ever wondered why there’s so much feces on chicken meat? Well, wonder no longer, as I discuss the issue in a Modesto Bee op-ed this week.

Speaking of California chickens, the long-awaited implementation of California’s landmark Prop 2 is just a few months away. You can watch a good news segment this week profiling one egg producer who is eliminating cage confinement from his operation to comply with the law.

The Worldwatch Institute put out a new report this week basically saying the planet’s cooked if we don’t cut meat consumption. And at least in Cleveland, Ohio, city officials are getting the message. They passed an HSUS-supported resolution this week urging residents to eat less meat and more plants.

And related to such an effort, today’s New York Times published a letter from HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle about the trend away from the most abusive factory farming practices and toward plant-based eating.

Video of the week: It’s hot out! Why not have a pool pawty?


Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use: Grand jury indictments for slaughterhouse officials!

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A federal grand jury indicted four officials at a California slaughterhouse for allegedly concealing diseased cows by swapping heads of cows with eye cancer with healthy cow heads, cutting off USDA “condemned” insignias, and more. You can see HSUS’s response in this NBC segment.

HSUS won a big victory this week, prevailing in a lawsuit in which we represented rural neighbors of a massive gestation crate confinement facility. Check it out.

This week HSUS also announced our work with South San Francisco to implement a new Meatless Monday policy in the school district.

And in very major news, this week we announced that food giant Nestle is implementing a wide-ranging new animal welfare program aimed at ending the worst factory farming abuses and promoting more meat-free eating. You can read Wayne Pacelle’s comments on it, too.                                    

Finally, the Center for Biological Diversity has a new Labor Day-themed campaign called Extinction-Free BBQ recommending that we leave room on the planet for wild animals by leaving room on our plates for delicious veggie foods.

Video of the week: Need a pick-me-up? Check out Arnold the rescued pig in this new HSUS video!


4 Super Delicious Labor Day Recipes!

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When I was a wee child, I wasn’t that into Labor Day. Not only did I have no appreciation for a holiday that honors people who fought hard to ensure we only have to work 8 hours a day (I was but a kid!), but, more importantly, I knew it meant the end of summer. And the end of summer meant the end of beaches, picnics, and lazy days by the pool. Boo!

However, as I get older and my appreciation for workers rights and also delicious barbecue grows, I have a new-found love for Labor Day. This summer, my friends and I will rent a house on the Pacific and spend our time boogie boarding, playing board games, and eating all of the BBQ we can get our greedy little mitts on. And since eschewing meat doesn’t mean eschewing tasty eats, here’s a few recipes to ensure that’s true:

1. Seven words: Crispy Tofu Tacos with Creamy Lime Drizzle. I don’t think I need to say anything more, but these are the world’s best tacos. Savory and scrumptious, they combine perfectly grilled tortillas, marinated tofu, and a creamy lime drizzle that will BLOW YOUR MIND. Make (and devour!) these immediately. 

2. You don’t think tofu is hearty enough to make the perfect meal? This Go Green Tofu Burger will prove you wrong. Thick, flavorful, and juicy, it’s the ideal recipe to kick off Labor Day with. Or any day, really. 

3. Jamaican Jerk Spiced Tofu Kebabs are out of this world. A spicy, savory, and sizzling addition to your Labor Day festivities! 

4. This is toasted coconut chocolate pie is the ultimate dessert. I mean, come on. What’s better than chocolate, pudding, fudge, and whipped cream (I made mine by whipping up cold full fat coconut milk! Easy)? Nothing. 

Now, get to grilling. And save me some grilled tacos! And also a slice of pie. OK, two slices of pie. (Fine, maybe three slices of pie. And that’s my final offer!)

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