
The Best Tofu I Ever Ate!

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You guys! I’m writing about delicious tofu for Nasoya and I’m really enjoying it so far and I want to share the posts because TOFU YUM. Get into it:

I used to be ambivalent, at best, about tofu. I simply saw it as a white, square block of jiggly goo that tasted like nothing. Even after being vegetarian for quite some time, I pretty much avoided (what I thought was) the flavorless block like the plague. However, one dish changed that all.

My friend Hannah loves tofu. She loves it so much. Honestly, I was kinda freaked out by her love for something I considered so “meh”. Well, with one simple, easily remixable kinda-recipe, she showed me the tofu lovin’ light. Hang onto your hats, because you’re about to become a tofu convert.

This isn’t so much a recipe as it is an idea. Feel free to play with the spices, but the premise is oh so easy. You just press your extra firm tofu to get all the excess water out, cut it into cubes, and then cover it in a mixture of soy sauce, nutritional yeast, potato starch, paprika, garlic powder, and onion powder. Mix it up and create a scrumptious sludge to coat your tofu with Then, you put some coconut oil in a pan on medium-high heat and fry those suckers up. What’s next is totally up to you! You can toss the tasty cubes in pasta, throw ‘em on nachos, top a salad, or just snack until you’re full. Which, with all the delicious protein in tofu, won’t take long.

After becoming a convert to tofu and its delicious ways, I became insatiable. I mixed it into puddings, baked it with a cornmeal topping, and fried it up with sauces and spices. What I learned is that tofu is a gorgeous blank palette. It soaks up all the goodness and turns out dishes that are not only tasty, but oh so good for you. I’m now proudly Team Tofu all the way!


Stop the Minnesota Vikings’ new stadium from becoming a death trap for birds!

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The Minnesota Vikings’ new stadium could kill thousands of birds each year. 

Despite state guidelines requiring bond-funded buildings to protect birds from window collisions, the Vikings and the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority rejected calls last week from Audubon and other groups urging them use safer types of glass.

For less than 0.1{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} of the entire billion-dollar cost of the facility, the Vikings could incorporate bird-safe glass, which could help prevent birds from fatally colliding with the stadium’s huge glass windows.

And, we know that it will work. The Javits Center, once New York City’s biggest bird killing structure, updated its glass to a bird-safe variety and reduced bird collisions to almost zero. 

According to scientists from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Smithsonian Institution, up to 988 million birds are killed annually in the United States by collisions with buildings, especially glass windows. The new Vikings stadium will feature nearly 200,000 square feet of glass.

If we have a solution that we know will prevent bird deaths, why not act on it?

You can make a difference and help save birds! Sign our petition and urge the Vikings to use bird-safe glass!

Guest post by Elizabeth Sorrell, the Digital Communications Manager for National Audubon Society and a proud vegan!


Vida Vegan Con III, the vegan blogging conference to end all…

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Vida Vegan Con III, the vegan blogging conference to end all conferences EVER, is coming to Austin on May 29-31 2015, and you totally want to either speak at it or go to it because it’s THE BEST EVENT ON EARTH. Seriously, it’s all the raddest vegans, all the best vegan food, and panels and hang outs and galas and silent auctions and snacks and I’m telling you, it’s vegan summer camp, but more awesome than that sounds. It’s just the mickey fickey BEST.

Here’s details for applying to speak. (Do this before July 9th! Do it! You totally have something amazing to say!)

Here’s details for early registration, which opens THIS FRIDAY!

Now, go apply to speak! Or put early registration in your calendar! DO IT NOW! The world needs to see you and hear you in all your amazing vegan glory.

And with that! I’ll see you in Austin and we will have the most fun together, promise.