
Animal News You Can Use: Massachusetts! Vote YES on 3!

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This week, the Boston Globe and WBUR cohosted a live debate on MA Question 3 (to ban cage confinement of farm animals) with the debaters being the New England Egg Council versus me. You can watch or listen to the debate and read the Globe’s coverage of it, too.

Also this week, the Cape Cod Times became the first newspaper in Massachusetts to editorialize in favor of Question 3, and House of Cards star Kate Mara took to Twitter urging her followers to vote ‘yes,’ too.

If you’re curious who the main opponent of Question 3 is, he’s a Midwestern agribusiness and oil tycoon who was just named as a top contender to be Donald Trump’s Interior Secretary if he wins.

Finally, if you’re interested in joining 700 other volunteers in calling Massachusetts voters to encourage them to vote YES on Question 3, just click here!

Video of the week: If you’ve never seen a monkey grooming a cat, you’re welcome.

The Future of Food conference is in just two weeks! Hope to see you there.


That New Tyson Chicken Investigation Is Horrifying

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Your latest from Paul Shapiro, the Vice President of Farm Animal Protection at HSUS!

“You can’t let nobody see.” Those were the words of a Tyson chicken worker as he abused birds while being filmed by a hidden camera used by an undercover investigator with Compassion Over Killing. Check out the Washington Post coverage on this potent new investigation.

The Post this week also ran a powerful A1 story about our 15-year struggle to ban battery cages. It’s really a must-read, but if you don’t have time to read it all, here are the Cliffs notes:  We’re winning.

Finally, there’s nowhere else to be October 7-8. Come to HSUS’s Future of Food conference—register now!

Video of the week: Cute or cruel? You decide.


Paul Shapiro’s Animal News You Can Use! Come Meet Peter Singer!

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Your latest from Paul Shapiro, the Vice President of Farm Animal Protection at HSUS!

Want to meet philosopher Peter Singer and talk with some of America’s leading food and ag journalists? HSUS’s Future of Food and Farming conference this October in DC is the conference for you. Space is limited, so sign up now!

Upton Sinclair would likely be proud to see the Chicago Tribune’s eight-part series (here’s one part) exposing abuses in the pork industry this week. It’s very worth checking out.

While so much farm animal focus is on Question 3 in Massachusetts right now, big agribusiness money ispouring into Oklahoma on a ballot measure to prevent restrictions on agribusiness operations.

These battles are going to last many, many years. And if you’d like to live long enough to be a part of them for those long years, a major new study suggests you better be eating plants.

Video of the week: Chimps at HSUS’s Black Beauty Ranch enjoyed a nice birthday party!


Voting for the Animals This November!

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This November, Americans will be going to vote for president, and in four states animal protection will also be on the ballot. Massachusetts is the big fight for farm animals this election, putting laying hens into the major spotlight.  Check out the other statewide ballot measures our movement’s waging for animals!

The fight for these long-suffering birds isn’t limited to our shores, however. This week, India’s Supreme Court held an historic hearing on the legality of battery cages.

Back in the US, the FDA this week responded to HSUS with regard to our latest egg factory undercover exposé, and while life is certainly hell for these birds, things are starting to look up for them.

Finally, don’t know what a meat brewery is? Time to find out!

Video of the week: Pig eats cat. Yep.

Paul Shapiro
Vice President, Farm Animal Protection
The Humane Society of the United States