
Herbies of the Week: Celia & Marcus (kids made for a busy life, Meal Mentor made life easier)

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Meet our Herbies of the Week: Celia & Marcus!

Marriage is a partnership sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow. Marcus is down 20lbs thanks to Celia taking the lead and showing the family the benefits of a plant-based diet.

Read Celia & Marcus’ story in their own words…

My husband and I are very proud herbies! My mother introduced me to the wonderful Happy Herbivore cookbooks in 2012 while I was on maternity leave. The quick and easy meals were just what this new mama needed.

That year I made the decision to go completely plant-based and I credit the Happy Herbivore books and simple yet delicious meals to helping me make that change.

My husband at first was not a fan of my decision, however never judged and was not too interested in trying my foods. I continued to cook a plant based diet along with a SAD diet for him and my two step children.

Fast forward to today and for one year now my husband has made the change to plant based and is not looking back! He has lost over 20 lbs and no longer has high blood pressure! I have lost more than 15 and the both of us have never felt or looked any better.

Thank you Lindsay for helping us in our journey. I believe that the meal plans and incorporating more potatoes have helped me to lose even more and they’re a great afternoon snack. There is no stopping us!

This picture on the left was us in 2010 and on the right celebrating our 10yr wedding anniversary in 2015!

Thank you so much Celia and Marcus for sharing your plant-based journey with us!

Don’t miss our next Herbie of the Week story. To get notified when we post it join our email list.


Summer Soba Salad, Sassy Sofritas, Bali Rice, Choco-Latte Ice Cream & more!

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It’s summertime! Make the living AND eating easy with the meal plans!

This month is all about FAST meals + MINIMAL to NO COOKING. EXACTLY what you need to make the most out of every moment in the sun.

From start to finish, EVERY MEAL including the Summer Soba Salad (NEW!), Sassy Sofritas, Sweet BBQ Lentils (NEW!), Sweet & Spicy Mango Wraps (NEW!), is ready to eat in 20 minutes or LESS!

Summer Soba Salad

Individual Highlights

  • Choco-Latte Ice Cream Breakfast (NEW!)
  • Sweet & Spicy Mango Wraps (NEW!)
  • California Quinoa
  • Macho Gazpacho (NEW!)
  • Summer Soba Salad (NEW!)
  • Queso-Cauliflower Tacos
  • Sweet BBQ Lentils (NEW!)
  • Skillet Beans & Rice (NEW!)
  • Bali Rice (NEW!)

Eliminate the constant “hmmmm what am I going to make??” with the meal plans.

Sassy Sofritas

Family Highlights

  • Sassy Sofritas
  • Mushroom & Asparagus Fettuccine (NEW!)
  • Sweet BBQ Lentils (NEW!)
  • Italiano Oatmeal (NEW!)
  • Queso-Cauliflower Tacos
  • Bali Rice (NEW!)
  • Spinach Artichoke Dip Paninis
  • Sweet & Spicy Mango Wraps (NEW!)
  • Summer Soba Salad (NEW!)

Keep mealtime simple this summer with the meal plans.

Choco-Latte Ice Cream


My kids are loving the meal plans and I’m loving the freedom of mind I get from never wondering what I’m going to feed 6 kids 3 times a day. These plans are the best!”- Monica D

It is just so nice to not have to think about what my lunch and dinner is each day. It’s easy, ready and delicious in 10 minutes or less.”- Carrie H

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Herbie of the Week: Alesha (A plant-based diet helped manage her symptoms from Cushing’s syndrome!)

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Meet our Herbie of the Week: Alesha!

Gaining weight, for Alesha, started in her 20’s despite training for a marathon. She also began to suffer from hypertension, blurry vision, thinning skin and hair, fatigue, depression, and more symptoms even though she ate a plant-based diet. Eventually, she was diagnosed with Cushing’s syndrome. Good news, Alesha now credits a plant-based diet for her speedy recovery from surgery. She has lost 33 pounds while using the Meal Mentor meal plans!

I’ll let Alesha take it away…

In 2011, I fell in love with running. I’ve run 3 full marathons, 11 half-marathons, and numerous 5 and 10K’s. I’ve also dabbled in different types of boot camp, yoga, and boxing classes. My plant-based journey began in 2012. After a series of routine checkups, I was told that my blood pressure was unusually high for my age (25). I didn’t give it much thought until my vision started deteriorating, and I noticed some weight gain. I saw a physician who just prescribed pills and sent me on my way. I didn’t take them. I considered myself to be a healthy, young runner, and I was determined to find another solution. Up to this point, I had never paid much attention to my diet. So, along with training for my first marathon, I began obsessively counting calories and eating the traditional “healthy” diet. When that didn’t work, I investigated alternatives and stumbled across “Forks Over Knives.” (I also started following Happy Herbivore around this time!) After watching the FOK documentary, I was sold, but it took some time to change my habits. When 2013 rolled around, I decided to follow a vegetarian diet through January. Eliminating meat wasn’t difficult, so I kept going. All my research implied that as I inched toward a plant based diet, the weight would literally melt off, and I’d feel like a million bucks! When is anything ever that easy?!

For two years, my body rebelled. I was running slower, I was tired, and getting more frustrated every day. In addition to hypertension and weight gain, I was experiencing thinning hair and skin, stretch marks, rashes and bruises that wouldn’t heal, an irregular cycle, an out of control appetite, constant fatigue, and finally depression. Each ailment was spaced out, just enough, so that I couldn’t see a connection; instead, with every new ailment, came a new excuse for why marathoning and eating plants weren’t working. Fortunately, the science behind a plant-based diet was just too compelling to quit, and somehow, I held on.

Picture: April 2014

Finally, I saw the big picture. These weren’t random issues, they were symptoms! Through a Google search, my boyfriend diagnosed me with Cushing’s syndrome. It made perfect sense, and I scheduled an appointment immediately. He was right! 1 in 100,000. I had a (benign) tumor on my adrenal gland which was over producing cortisol and literally stressing me out!

Now, for the cool part! On average, it takes people three years to figure out they have Cushing’s; I figured it out in just over two. My endocrinologist said that most of her Cushing’s patients gain 30-40 lbs. by the time they see her. Although the syndrome added a disproportional amount of inches to my upper body, I had only gained 12 lbs. My doctor even commented that my diet change and marathon training probably kept me from gaining additional weight and developing more serious issues. VALIDATION!

Although, the diagnosis was a huge relief, it was discouraging to have to fight so hard be healthy, knowing I would get zero results for my effort. So, during the month before surgery, which was necessary to remove the tumor, I strayed from my healthy habits. In that month, I gained another 8 lbs.: more than half of what I gained over two years! I cannot imagine how much more miserable this experience could have been had I not been marathon training and striving for a plant-based lifestyle.

Picture: Left- November 2014; Right- February 2015

After surgery, I jumped right back on the plant-based bandwagon. My recovery was speedy! Almost every symptom vanished within a few months. I can’t say I’ve ever been 100{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} plant-based for more than a few weeks at a time (stupid sweet tooth), but I’m pretty darn close. Thanks to finally subscribing to the meal plans, I’m the closest I’ve ever been!

So! All that being said, if you’re having trouble losing weight on a plant based diet, have your hormone levels tested. Now that mine are under control, the plant based diet has lived up to all its promises! After surgery, I dropped 33 lbs., and have stabilized at a weight that is 8 lbs. less than what I weighed in high school! And, I really do feel like a million bucks! Plants for the win!

Picture: February 2016

Thank you so much Alesha for sharing your plant-based journey with us!

Don’t miss our next Herbie of the Week story. To get notified when we post it join our email list.


Caesar Pasta Salad, Teriyaki Dragon Bowl, Jerk’d Sweet Potato, Blueberry Cobbler Overnight Oats & more!

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The countdown to summer is ON! Memorial Day Weekend kicks off in less than 24 hours…

Make it a STRESS-FREE, GOOD TIME and keep the laid back vibes ALL WEEK with this no-brainer meal plan!

Serve up easy, sure-to-please EVERYONE hits like Caesar Pasta Salad (NEW!), Jerk’d Sweet Potatoes (NEW!), Black Bean & Corn Salad, Cheezy Chalupas (NEW!), and more!

Caesar Pasta Salad

Individual Highlights

  • Caesar Pasta Salad (NEW!)
  • Teriyaki Dragon Bowl (NEW!)
  • Black Bean & Corn Salad
  • Banana Bread Smoothie (NEW!)
  • Kung Pao Spaghetti
  • Moroccan Tagine (NEW!)
  • Strawberry “Bacon” Salad (NEW!)
  • Zucchini-O Burgers
  • Jerk’d Sweet Potato (NEW!)

Enjoy the three-day weekend with this week’s easy-breezy meal plan!

Black Bean & Corn Salad

Family Highlights

  • Cheezy Chalupas (NEW!)
  • Moroccan Tagine (NEW!)
  • Kung Pao Spaghetti
  • Jerk’d Sweet Potatoes (NEW!)
  • Black Bean & Corn Salad
  • Blueberry Cobbler ONOs (NEW!)
  • Caesar Pasta Salad (NEW!)
  • Onion Dip Veggie Wraps
  • Teriyaki Dragon Bowl (NEW!)

See how AWESOME it feels to not have to think, plan, or figure out what your family will it with the meal plans!

Jerk’d Sweet Potato

P.S. Signup TODAY and you’ll get the Potluck Cookbook featuring 35+ omni-approved recipes FREE!

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