
Thai Hummus Pizzas , Springtime Pasta Primavera, French Toast Nachos, Sloppy Srirachies & more!

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Are you looking for LESS work in the kitchen…but don’t want to sacrifice nutrition?

This week’s meal plan is ULTRA Fast with MINIMAL prep work.

Thai Hummus Pizza (NEW!), Sloppy Srirachies (NEW!), French Toast Nachos (NEW!), Casablanca Fajitas (NEW!) and 4 more recipes come together in 15 minute or LESS!

Thai Hummus Pizza

Individual Highlights

  • Sloppy Srirachies (NEW!)
  • Red Pesto Pasta
  • Thai Hummus (NEW!)
  • Mexicali Green Bowls (NEW!)
  • Ultimate Strawberry Salad
  • Casablanca Fajitas (NEW!)
  • Bistro Beet Burgers
  • Brazilian (Mango & Lime) Rice
  • French Toast Nachos (NEW!)

Make it easy on yourself this summer and join Meal Mentor!

Sloppy Srirachies

Family Highlights

  • Caponata Polenta Stacks (NEW!)
  • Sloppy Srirachies (NEW!)
  • Big Banana Parfaits (NEW!)
  • Red Pesto Pasta
  • Thai Hummus Pizza (NEW!)
  • Bistro Beet Burgers
  • Mexicali Green Bowls (NEW!)
  • Springtime Pasta Primavera (NEW!)
  • Casablanca Fajitas (NEW!)

Enjoy more play and less cooking with the meal plans!

Caponata Polenta Stacks


I love the meal plans! Has really changed our spending, no extraneous grocery expenses, lots of savings, not wasting food the way we did previously. Well worth it! More time with my family.“- Ashley B

“The meal plans make cooking so easy so you have more time to enjoy life, plus knowing in the back of your mind you are being good to your body so life is more enjoyable!!”- Angela E

Get these recipes delivered to your inbox NOW!


Herbie of the Week: Lisa G (She no longer has eczema or acne and she finally got off the weight-loss rollercoaster!)

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Herbie of the Week: Lisa G!

She suffered from acne and eczema for years, never making the connection to diet. After years of eating a vegetarian diet, she finally decided to go plant-based and got over her cheese addiction and fear of protein deficiency.

With the help of the Meal Mentor she has discovered amazing health benefits she never expected including clear skin, easy weight loss, and a more youthful appearance!

Here’s Lisa’s story in her own words…

I first decided to give up meat in 2005, but it wasn’t until 2015 that I committed to being vegan. It has been a journey and evolution for me!

Now that I live a totally plant-based lifestyle, I can’t believe I didn’t choose this earlier. I love the way I look and feel, and it has become one of my biggest passions. I also love the food and feel totally satisfied!

When I moved to San Francisco after graduate school in 2005, I finally decided it was time to try a vegetarian lifestyle. SF is such a “veggie-friendly” city and I had wanted to try it for years. I was always afraid that it would be too hard or I “wouldn’t get enough protein,” which is such a common fear when people start a plant-based diet.

Technically, back then I was an ovolactopescatarian, meaning that I ate fish, dairy and eggs, but no other meat. I quickly discovered that there were so many delicious plant-based protein sources that replaced the chicken I used to cook often. I didn’t miss beef at all, because I had always thought about the cow when eating a burger, even as a little girl. It was pretty easy for me to give up red meat.

Without meat in my diet I felt better, and I felt like I was honoring the animals. I still had to really work at it to maintain my figure, however, and inevitably over the winter months I’d gain 20 pounds or so just from eating more “comfort foods.” I was a big fan of cheese and anything including cheese: pizza, mac & cheese, parmesan on pasta, etc.

I struggled with some skin problems, including mild acne and eczema. I didn’t make the connection to my diet, and figured I was just cursed with bad skin genes! I wish I had known then how much my skin would clear up by giving up dairy – acne is not even an issue at all ever anymore!

I just accepted it that I had to work hard every spring to get myself back into shape for the summer. I figured it was that way for everyone!

Now, all these years later, going vegan has been a miracle. I flirted with it for many years, because my best friend was a vegan and an outstanding cook! We even ate an entirely raw vegan diet two years in a row for Lent!

But I would always tell myself that I “couldn’t be vegan” because of cheese. I was addicted to it, as many people are! Because it is addictive – although most people don’t realize that. I would always go back to eating dairy and eggs and sometimes fish.

For some reason in 2015 I finally decided that it was time. Once again I adopted a plant-based diet for Lent, but I was loving it so much and feeling so good that I decided just to keep eating a vegan diet!

I was lucky enough a few years ago to stumble onto the Happy Herbivore website, and Lindsay was a featured guest on a life coaching program that I conducted in 2012 called the 100-Day Extraordinary Woman Challenge. She was amazing! I loved her energy and inspirational story.

And of course I love the recipes! I am now a Meal Mentor member and am so thankful that Lindsay makes being vegan so easy. I still believed it was going to be incredibly hard, and that I might not get enough protein. The myth of “not enough protein” is so indoctrinated into us by society!

But the vegan meals I eat have plenty of protein, and I feel healthy, happy and energized. I’ve dropped the extra weight I had gained last winter just through eating vegan! I wouldn’t have thought just giving up dairy and eggs would make such a huge difference, but it really has.

I feel good every single day knowing that my diet is the best possible choice I can make for Mother Earth. I also know that it is of course the best thing I can do for the animals. AND I feel happier, healthier and sexier as a result!

I still get carded even though I am 44 years young, and I get asked out by men in their 20s. I swear that eating a plant-based diet has a lot to do with my youthful looks! I no longer suffer from acne at all. It’s totally a thing of the past! Instead my skin is clear. And it glows! Vegan people really do glow. 😉

Thank you so much Lisa for sharing your plant-based journey with us!

Don’t miss our next Herbie of the Week story. To get notified when we post it join our email list.


Tico Taco Pie, Baby Churros, Pasta-roni, Dragon Wraps & more!

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Are you ready to spice up dinnertime?? This week’s meal plan is a flavor EXPLOSION with meals that are ready in 30 minutes OR less!

Replace your boring routine with new & exciting meals like Pasta-roni (NEW!), Dragon Wraps (NEW!), Pizza Chili, Mediterranean Rice (NEW!), Thai Taquitos & more!

PLUS we’ve got cantina classics for Cinco de Mayo including BABY CHURROS, Tico Taco Pie (NEW!), Mexican Hot Chocolate Pudding (NEW!), Tijuana Tortas (NEW!) and Mexican Caesar Salad (NEW!).

Tico Taco Pie

Individual Highlights

  • Mexican Caesar Salad (NEW!)
  • Smashed White Bean & Avo Crostinis (NEW!)
  • Tijuana Tortas (NEW!)
  • “Bacon” Kale Wrap (NEW!)
  • Mediterranean Rice (NEW!)
  • Sweet Pea Curry Noodles (NEW!)
  • Pasta-roni (NEW!)
  • Thai Taquitos
  • Mexican Hot Chocolate Pudding (NEW!)

Signup for the meal plans today and get the party started!

Mexican Caesar Salad

Family Highlights

  • Tijuana Tortas (NEW!)
  • Thai Taquitos
  • Tico Taco Pie (NEW!)
  • Mediterranean Rice (NEW!)
  • Spicy Chocolate Shakes
  • Dragon Wraps (NEW!)
  • Pizza Chili
  • Sweet Pea Curry Noodles (NEW!)
  • Pasta-roni (NEW!)

Spice up dinnertime with endless variety with this week’s meal plan!

Thai Taquitos


I am loving this meal plan experience. It’s really widened our variety of meals AND I’m getting my kids eating plant-based with me and my husband… that’s HUGE.“- Denise G

The meal plan is a godsend. I don’t have to get stressed when I come home from work and my husband asks what’s for dinner because it’s already made and labeled in the fridge. Meals had become a burden and now they are new, exciting, delicious, and ready to go.”- Emily M

Get these recipes delivered to your inbox RIGHT NOW!


Herbie of the Week: Deborah R

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Herbie of the Week: Deborah R! (She lost 40 pounds, eliminated her chronic fatigue, and is off her lupus medication!)

She has reversed her symptoms from lupus and influenced healthier eating in her family.

Read Deborah’s story…

Hi, my name is Deborah, and my journey
to becoming plant-based started in January of 2012. I am a wife and
mom of two girls and I primarily have been a stay at home mom since
my oldest was born in 2007. In December 2011 I was exhausted all the
time. At first I thought it was because of the holidays and was super
busy. I wasn’t feeling myself; I started getting very fatigued at
various times of the day and I started to worry because it seemed to
others as if I was just being lazy. I am not a lazy person. As a stay
at home mom, there is always something to do.

My husband started noticing it more in
January 2012 and he refused to believe that I could be as tired as I
claimed to be. He was rightfully upset that his wife was sleeping
most of the day, while there he was working his rear off at work. He
did not understand and neither did I. So, I sucked it up and tried my
best to just get stuff done because I thought maybe he was right and
I am just crazy thinking I am really that tired. By February, my face
broke out into a really bad rash. My face was itchy, scaly, and red in
the T zone areas. It was like I had dry scalp on parts of my face. I
tried lotions, cortisone, Neosporin and nothing helped. I decided to
go see my Dermatologist because it was getting out of control.

My dermatologist was concerned because
she felt something else was going on with me. She kept asking how I
had been feeling, if I was in any pain. I thought it odd but I told
her that I felt fine but that I had been feeling very tired since
December. She told me that she has some concerns and would like to
get some blood work done just to be sure I was okay. I agreed because
I trust her opinion as she has helped me and my husband for several
years. She did give me a prescription lotion for my face and we
planned on scheduling an appointment to check on how my skin was
doing. A week later, she personally called me up and told me that she
was concerned about my blood work. I went to see her the next day and
we talked. She recommended a Rheumatologist that she knew personally
and trusted with her own family. She felt that I needed to get more
specific blood work done to be certain but she thinks that what I had
going on with my face was auto immune and it was a sign that I needed
to get seen right away so that I can get some relief and answers.
After I left her office I made an appointment with the Rheumatologist
she recommended.

My Rheumatologist visit was good, we
got to know each other and why I was sent to her, discussed my
previous blood work from my dermatologist, and she also asked me how I
was feeling, if I was in any pain and took a good look at my face
rash that I still had but was significantly better. She then decided
what specific blood work needed to be done so that she could help me.
When my blood work came back we discussed it. I was unsure how to
feel at the moment. Until she told me, according to your labs, you
have an autoimmune disorder, Lupus to be exact. My body was basically
attacking itself, which in turn was causing me to feel so exhausted.
My body was out of whack. At that moment, I cried. Not because she
told me I had an autoimmune disease that was scary in itself, but
because I finally had an answer to why I was so terribly exhausted
all the time. I told her that it was a huge relief to know what was
causing my body to feel so weak and tired. I told her how much I was
struggling to suck it up because my husband couldn’t understand
that I could be so tired from being a stay at home mom and napping a
lot recently. I finally could feel like I wasn’t crazy, that I
wasn’t just being lazy or that I wasn’t lying about my extreme

Then I came to the realization about
having Lupus. That thought
scared me. I was told by my doctor that lupus in males tend to have
worse symptoms but since my issues were mainly exhaustion and rashes
that my lupus is mild. She prescribed Plaquenil for my lupus and I
would need to see an Ophthalmologist every 6 months to check on my
vision while taking it. I asked if there was a possibility that I
would ever be able to get off Plaquenil in the future and she
basically said most patients take it for the rest of their lives but
can be taken off it in 3 years but it’s rare.

During our discussion about lupus, all
I could think about was my family. My husband and my 2 girls who were
only 4 and 5 yrs old and it brought tears to my eyes because I did
not want to become a burden to them. My eyes welled up with tears
again thinking about how my life with lupus was going to affect them.
My rheumatologist saw my face and told me that if I wanted a chance
at a good healthy life, I would need to go plant-based. I had never
heard of plant-based before so I was curious. She told me I needed to
change the way I eat, autoimmune disorders stem from our dietary
consumption. She told me to watch the documentary Forks over Knives on Netflix and that if I wanted to live a better life for
myself and my family I should follow their guidelines. I told her
that I would watch it and go from there. I did not know what I was
getting myself into, but I was willing to give it a try in order to
give my family what they deserve, a healthy mom and wife.

I watched the documentary Forks over
when I got home, and I was convinced that this was what I
needed to do. I didn’t know exactly how to start. All I knew was
that I had to start somewhere and I knew after watching the
documentary that I needed to avoid these main things: meat, dairy, eggs and oil. I decided that day to become plant-based. I knew I
wasn’t going to be perfect at it at first but I had to at least
give it my best. My husband was very unsure about what I was getting
myself into at first but was willing to watch the documentary with me
when he got home and he told me that he would be super supportive of
it, but he was not going to change what he ate. I was okay with that
because I did not expect him to turn his life around because of my
illness. Remember, I did not want to be a burden on my family.

I started off just eating simple things
that I knew where plant-based such as, chalupas or tostadas and rice,
peanut butter sandwiches and veggies. I felt very alone starting out
on this journey. I started to struggle with not knowing what I was
doing when I went grocery shopping, what items were plant-based and
where to find simple items with no oil. I started to look for more
answers online on the Forks over Knives website.

The Engine 2 and Forks Over Knives
website lead me to I was so excited to learn
there was a cookbook for sale and when I found Lindsay’s cookbook
Everyday Happy Herbivore I was so excited and happy. Do you
know what else happened? My husband started to see what I was eating
and wanted some! Yes, my omnivore husband thought my meals looked and
smelled amazing! So, I shared my meals. He had his usual food but
kept trying what I was eating more and more. I felt like I must being
doing something right. I started to feel less and less tired as the
weeks passed. I started to lose weight with just the diet change. I
started to feel more like myself and my husband took notice. He
decided that he wanted to eat like me most of the time and only eat
meat if and when we are not home. I still do not discourage his way
of eating; I want it to be all his doing if he wanted to change his

After a year of being plant-based, I
stopped buying meat and dairy products for the family. My husband and
I felt such great results from eating plant-based that we decided
that our kids should try to follow along because with what we know
now, we wanted to give them the best opportunity to live a healthier
life than we did growing up. They were very hesitant at first and
still now 3 years later I still struggle with one picky eater but
they understand why we eat this way after many discussions about why
meat, dairy, and eggs are not good for our bodies. They are not
perfect though, we allow them to choose what they want to eat when we
are out and at school. I did not want them to feel forced to eat
plant-based, especially since my husband also eats whatever he wants
when we are not home. I tell them all the time that life is about
choices so make good ones.

I lost a good 40 lbs. my first year of
becoming plant-based, and I have kept the weight off. People always
tell me that I look amazing and they think I am younger than I
actually am; I am 40! I don’t feel 40, I feel like I’m still 25
which is an awesome feeling! I also started cooking for my dad and
step-mom a year ago, I joke with them and tell them I am like a vegan
meals on wheels because I cook it and deliver it to them. My husband
thanks me all the time for cooking this way. He has seen and felt a
significant difference in both of us.

I became a Meal Mentor subscriber last
year around April 2015. I convinced my husband to get the annual plan
because I started struggling to figure out what to make for dinner. I
kept feeling like I was making the same meals every week and I needed
more variety. Meal Mentor has changed my life! It has allowed me to
pick and choose, create a grocery list, prep like a boss and get
everything cooked in just hours. I have more time now to complete all
my other tasks, and it’s amazing! The only downside to it at my
house is that my dear husband thinks that my cooking day is a vegan
buffet day! He will try and eat and taste everything if I don’t
stop him.

Now for the most exciting news, As of
January 5, 2016, I am officially off my Lupus Medication!! YAY! I
have been in remission for about a year and my new Rheumatologist (I
had to switch because of my insurance) has just been incredibly
amazed by my ability to heal myself with my diet. It still amazes me
that still today, 3 years later, being plant-based is still bringing
me joy and a deeper appreciation for all things vegan. I am proud to
be plant-based, it saved me from Lupus. I am now living my best life.
If there is anyone that needs food inspiration, I am on Twitter
@plantstrongdeb and on Instagram @Deborah.ramos. I enjoy sharing
photos of the plant-based meals I make, most of them being from the
Meal Mentor plans, plus making new Herbie friends is also awesome! I
am very grateful for the support Lindsay gives to us on her website, Facebook page, Annual Members page, and other social media outlets like YouTube
videos and podcasts! I wish I had all these things available when I
first started out but so happy to have them now when you just need
that little extra advice, motivation and friendship!

Thank you so much Deborah for sharing your plant-based journey with us!

Don’t miss our next Herbie of the Week story. To get notified when we post it join our email list.


Pizza Poppers, Pho-rritos, “Tuna” Melts, Peanut Butter French Toast & more!

Posted on:

Say GOODBYE! to the drive-thru and HELLO! to Meal Mentor’s value menu on this week’s meal plan!

Save time AND money with Pizza Poppers (NEW!), Pho-rritos (NEW!), Double Up Bella Burger (NEW!), Big Mac Potatoes & more!

P.S. Annual Meal Plan memberships go on sale this Friday, April 22nd for ONE DAY ONLY!

You can get a head start this week with these eats and upgrade at a discount on sale day.

Pizza Poppers

Individual Highlights

  • Pizza Poppers (NEW!)
  • Lemon Dream (in a Mug) (NEW!)
  • Mediterranean Hummus Pasta
  • WikiWiki Tiki Tacos (NEW!)
  • Chana Aloo Stew
  • Buffalo’d Potato Bowl
  • Double Up Bella Burger (NEW!)
  • Margherita Pizza Hummus
  • Pho-rritos (NEW!)

Download this week’s meal plan value menu now!

Mediterranean Hummus Pasta

Family Highlights

  • Buffalo Rancher Burgers (NEW!)
  • Pizza Poppers (NEW!)
  • Mediterranean Hummus Pasta
  • Chana Aloo Stew
  • Pho-rritos (NEW!)
  • WikiWiki Tiki Tacos (NEW!)
  • “Tuna” Melts (NEW!)
  • Big Mac Potatoes
  • Peanut Butter French Toast (NEW!)

Feel like you’re eating at new restaurant each night with the meal plans!

Peanut Butter French Toast


Love the meal plans!!! The time and money savings are amazing, as well as adding a ton more variety of meals and flavors than I ever did before!“- Melissa B

The Meal Plans are EXACTLY what I needed in my life for 2016. I’m saving a ton of cash on groceries (only shop once a week on Saturday when I cook, and I stick to a list), no food waste (eating my last prepared meal as we speak), and I’m in control of my eating. After 2 weeks, I’ve lost 4.3 pounds!“- Amy B

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