
Herbie of the Week: Ted (This 71 year old lost 100 POUNDS and reversed hypertension, high cholesterol, and prediabetes!)

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Meet our Herbie of the Week: Ted!

He lost 12 inches from his waist and 100 pounds!

He was borderline diabetic and suffered from hypertension and high cholesterol. He no longer has to take prescriptions for these.

Here’s Ted’s story…

In mid-May of 2013 an acquaintance suggested that I watch the documentary Forks Over Knives. After watching it, I made the decision to start a plant-based lifestyle, including exercise and a walking program, starting June 01. At that time, I weighted close to 260 pounds and wore 42″ pants. I was on cholesterol medication, was borderline diabetic, and my Dr. was seriously considering putting me on heart medication because of my high blood pressure. I purchased the Fork Over Knives cookbook, however, it wasn’t long before I discovered the Everyday Happy Herbivore cookbook, now I have all of them and subscribe to the weekly menu program. By July 2014, I weighed 160 pounds and had a 30″ waist. I was off my cholesterol medication, no problem with diabetes, and my Dr. is always impressed with my blood pressure. As of today, I still weigh 160 pounds and my waist is still 30″. In my picture, I am holding a modified “Chickpea Tenders” meal, from page 182 EHH. When I talk with people about being Plant-Based, I emphasize that for me it is not a diet but a committed lifestyle. I will be 72 years old in November. I am a retired/rehired pastor of a small church. It is my goal to retire a second time from the ministry at the age of 85 and then go into my retirement years.

HH: What about the Forks Over Knives documentary made you want to go plant-based? Was there any part in particular that really inspired you to do so?

I had stopped eating meat and was doing some walking with my Fitbit at the time. The person who asked me to watch the documentary was plant-based and I liked her results. After watching the documentary it just made sense to me and I decided to make the commitment. If the documentary was not so well put together, I may not have made the commitment to change

HH: What was your diet like before?

No meat, but fish and chicken. Ate fast foods but again stayed with fish and chicken. Salads but again with meat and eggs. Lots of dairy products and desserts.

HH: What was it like transitioning to a plant-based diet? Did you find it easy? Was it hard to give anything up?

The transition was pretty easy, I purchased Jeff Novick’s videos on Fast Food volumes 1 & 2 and the Fork over Knives cookbook. I went on Amazon and did my research on Cookbooks. The biggest thing was the initial cost of purchasing the basic supplies to set up my kitchen. I wish that I would have had Lindsay’s material on what I needed I would have been able to save some money and not purchase some of the products that I have found I did not really need.

HH: Did you find it easy?

Actually I did. I guess because I stated to see results, and it was fun getting back in the kitchen.

HH: Was it hard to give anything up?

I am sure there were things I craved like cheese, ice cream, eggs, before bed snacks like chips – but I soon found substitutes and now do not miss them.

HH: What did your family and friends think about your new lifestyle change? Were they supportive?

My family was very supportive. Our adult daughter also started the program. She did very well for a year or so but is now semi-plant based. My wife was very supportive but does not like veggies so she has continued her eating pattern. Three of our children who live back east have embraced much of the program. The hardest part was outside the family. At the time I started I had retired from the ministry and then was rehired (it was done because of changes that were going to be made in retirement and health policies and it would work out better for me to retire but I did not want to leave the ministry, so I was rehired by a smaller church) We live in Oklahoma which is a beef state and a number of my members raise cattle. As you are probably aware church’s main gathering is around food. In the beginning they found it strange but when they saw the results and time has passed nothing is ever said. In fact, there are ladies who make special plant-based dishes for me to eat and there are always veggies and fruits.

HH: Any advice you would give others who are looking to switch to a plant-based diet?

Be tolerant of other people and do not get into arguments. We had something similar when we first started to home school our daughter 35 years ago (home schooling was pretty new then) There were a lot of people and family who held critical views. We never argued with them just did our own thing and left them see the results. Many of those critics have members of their family being home schooled today. I believe it is the same way with the plant-based lifestyle. It is new and there is more negatives being said than positives, however, I believe people will come around to understand that those who are making the most negative comments are those who have the most to lose if people start to eat healthy. I direct people to the Forks over Knives video and if I see they are willing to make a commitment I send them several of Lindsay’s cookbooks.

Thank you so much Ted for sharing your plant-based journey with us!


Broc-N-Roll Burgers, Lazy Lentiladas, Jamaican Me Stew, Lava Cake Oatmeal & more

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Need help getting out of your winter eating slump? Get a head start on your healthy, happy summer glow than with this week’s meal plan!

Enjoy nutritionally balanced meals like Broc-N-Roll Burgers (NEW!), Bombay Bowl (NEW!), Lazy Lentiladas (NEW!), Jamaican Me Stew (NEW!) and more!

Don’t wait for sunny skies and warm weather to get your act together! Reboot today!

Broc-N-Roll Burgers

Individual Highlights

  • Broc-N-Roll Burgers (NEW!)
  • Jamaican Me “Beefy” (NEW!)
  • Greek PB&J (NEW!)
  • Mexican Noodle Soup
  • Beet Quesadilla (NEW!)
  • Bombay Bowl (NEW!)
  • Spaghetti & “Meatballs”
  • Lazy Lentiladas (NEW!)
  • Lava Cake Oatmeal (NEW!)

Put your food & nutrition plan in place today with the meal plans!

Lazy Lentiladas

Family Highlights

  • Jamaican Me Stew (NEW!)
  • “Bacon” & “Egg” Scramble (NEW!)
  • Hawaii 5-0 Bowl
  • Lazy Lentiladas (NEW!)
  • Vegetable Lasagna Wheels
  • Bombay Bowl (NEW!)
  • Mexican Noodle Soup
  • Broc-N-Roll Burgers (NEW!)
  • Southwestern Slaw Wraps (NEW!)

Take the guesswork out of eating right with the meal plans!

Lava Cake Oatmeal


“Just want to say how much I am loving these meal plans. 3 weeks in and never craving “something different”. I find myself looking forward to the next meal and curious how delicious it’s going to taste as well. Best part is that the pounds and inches are melting off. I can see a bikini for this coming summer.“- Phyllis L

I’m wearing my skinny pants! And my regular ones are super loose I may have to get rid of them I’m starting to look sloppy! Hubby even said “You’re looking slim and trim!” Down a pant size since November – only change is MEAL PLANS! Bring on bathing suit season!“- Katie C

Get these recipes delivered to your inbox RIGHT NOW!


Pizza Joes, Good Greens & Gravy, Caribbeano Chili, Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal & more!

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Had a rough day at work and craving comfort food? This week’s meal plan has just what you need!

INDULGE in these good-for-you comfort foods that hit the spot FAST: Pizza Joes (NEW!), Good Greens & Gravy (NEW!), French Carrots w/ Polenta (NEW!), Caribbeano Chili (NEW!), and more!

Pizza Joes

Individual Highlights

  • Pizza Joes (NEW!)
  • Good Greens & Gravy (NEW!)
  • Mexini Bowl (NEW!)
  • Natsumi Noodles (NEW!)
  • Greek-Style Pasta
  • French Carrots w/ Polenta (NEW!)
  • Grandma’s Broccoli Rice Salad (NEW!)
  • Caribbeano Chili (NEW!)
  • Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal (NEW!)

Reduce the stress by being prepared with the meal plans!

Caribbeano Chili

Family Highlights

  • French Carrots w/ Polenta (NEW!)
  • Caribbeano Chili (NEW!)
  • Ratatouille Tortas (NEW!)
  • Natsumi Noodles (NEW!)
  • Ranch-Style Tacos
  • Soy-Free Frittata Cakes (NEW!)
  • Good Greens & Gravy (NEW!)
  • Pizza Joes (NEW!)
  • Tomato Basil Rigatoni

Download your meal plan and relax with healthy comfort foods!

Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal


I know I don’t have to stress about my food routine because the meal plans take all the stress out of that part of life. When the stress ramps up other places, it’s nice to have something established you can count on.” -Katie C

I have to say that it was SO satisfying today to come home from my first day back at work and have my meal already waiting for me. It took no thought. It was stress-free and now I am kicking back and enjoying my time with kids instead of running around at full speed. I even had enough energy to run a load of laundry. Batch cooking for the win!!!! These meal plans are a lifesaver!”- Kat B

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Herbie of the Week: Jennifer H (Her kids are eating plant-based at home with NO complaints AND she’s down 30 pounds and 4 sizes!)

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Meet our Herbie of the Week: Jennifer H!

This mother has lost 30 pounds and is down 4 sizes!

She tells us how she has made plant-based transitions with her children and increased her energy level.

Read Jennifer’s story in her own words…

With a hippie, health nut mom, I grew up eating relatively well. A meat and dairy eater, but also a brown rice and steamed veggies lover. Fast forward to 2007, went through a divorce, moved back home to CA, approaching 40, I started to balloon to a size 12. As you put it, this is not “epic”, but for me it was indicative of major stress and a lack of self love/acceptance.

In the fall of 2011, I had watched Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. My husband was already vegetarian, so we had been preparing all veg meals at home. I only ate meat & dairy when eating out, and I was still serving my kids meat meals for lunch & dinner. After watching that movie and feeling like I was ready to shed some pounds, my husband & I both decided to go on a raw vegan diet for at least the weekend. It ended up being about 10 days, and it felt amazing! That was my first experience eating vegan day after day, and I loved it. It wasn’t hard and it was delicious! Being a foodie, I knew I couldn’t stay raw forever, but staying vegan (and gluten-free) seemed completely doable and the right thing!

I found this new diet to be fun, easy and interesting, so I began to educate myself further through documentaries, cookbooks, websites, and of course the Happy Herbivore Facebook page! The deeper I delved, the more fun I had, and the clearer it became that being vegan was the right path for me. Forever. I lost 30 lbs., am down 4 sizes, off caffeine, 99{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} plant-based & (mostly) gluten-free. I have more energy than ever before and feel clean, regular (heehee) and young! And no one made me do it!

I converted my kitchen to 100{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} plant-based so even my kids eat vegan at home! I still allow them to order anything they want at restaurants, and believe me, they do order meat. But when I’m cooking, it’s all vegan. At first it was an adjustment for them, complaining about the taste of rice milk in their cereal. But I didn’t let up and I wasn’t agro about anything. I just stayed the course and now they NEVER complain. We have soy milk (tastes better) for cereal now, vegan cream cheese for bagels, orange ‘chickn’ for dinner, loads of fresh, organic fruit and vegetables, lentils, black beans, gluten-free pasta…they don’t starve that’s for sure!

It really became a moral journey for me about not only eating right, but choosing conscientiously, buying local & organic, caring about the animals’ well-being and caring about the planet.

I’m 43 now and my health is a much larger priority. My passion for nutrition has opened me up to a whole new life as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. The potential was always there, and now I’m fulfilling the possibilities for my life.

My advice to those looking to go plant-based is educate yourself. Read Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Diet. Buy Happy Herbivore cookbooks and get in the kitchen and experiment! Watch all of the above documentaries. Don’t put pressure on yourself, and don’t do it because someone else is asking you to (a doctor, spouse, concerned friend). I also feel like it’s ok to ease into it.

Thank you so much Jennifer for sharing your journey with us!