
Herbie of the Week: Michele (She Lowered Her Cholesterol, Stabilized Her Weight & No Longer Feels Like She’s “On a Diet!”)

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Meet our Herbie of the Week: Michele!

Michele’s journey to a plant-based diet started about 5 years ago when chest pains sent her to the hospital. Not wanting to be a victim of heart disease, Michele went 95{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} plant-based right away and her cholesterol dropped 80 points in 3 months!

As a former low-carb dieter, Michele was relived she could eat all the carbs she once desired — and the best part? For the first time she didn’t feel like she was on a diet!

Today, Michele is still proud to say she’s a Happy Herbivore (and thanks to the meal plans, she’s staying on track!) and she’s also convinced her husband to make more plant-based options!

Here’s Michele’s story in her own words!

Today is a good day – I take that back, today is a Great Day!!! I am alive and breathing, have been blessed with awesome family and friends I can walk this life with, and I have a deeper appreciation for whole plant-based foods. I guess I have not written anything about my plant-based journey because my journey has been up and down so many times.

My journey began about 5 years ago when I was experiencing some chest pains and a few episodes to the emergency room due to the pain. It was during that time that I came across the Engine 2 Diet and realized I did not have to be a victim to heart disease any longer. I went about 95{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} fat-free, whole grain, plant-based right away, except for a chicken breast very occasionally. My cholesterol dropped from diet alone about 80 points within those first 3 months or so. I was feeling better and my weight stabilized as well, even though I did not really need to lose.

I ran across Happy Herbivore while in the Barnes & Noble book store because I was wanting more recipes that I could easily learn to cook. Between Happy Herbivore and Rip’s book, I was so excited about how I was able to eat lots of healthy plant-based foods. I would make large batches of fat-free, vegan, whole grain cookies to keep in the freezer when I had that sweet tooth craving. I was eating the carbs I so longed to have during past times of doing low-carb diets. I was thrilled with my progress, my weight, my ability to eat all the carbs I wanted too and still keep my weight off. This was dieter’s heaven, but for the first time, I did not feel like I was on a diet. This was truly a way of life.

Of course, during that time, I stayed about 90{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} plant-based and was living in Connecticut. It was so much easier to stay focused while living in Connecticut as there were a ton of options for grocery shopping and also lots of options for eating out. Although I am thrilled to say that I moved down to Louisiana over two years ago, it has been a struggle to stay focused on my plant-based eating to say the least. I have my good days and my bad days (days when the voices of my loved ones speak louder to me than my desire to stay on track). But I have to say that at the end of the day, I keep coming back to the place that brings me the most satisfaction – plant-based eating.

I have been blessed to find a naturopath doctor not too far from me who totally supports my plant-based eating (even as imperfect as I am with it at times). That makes a huge difference in this journey. I also have swayed my sweet husband over to more of an interest in choosing plant-based options when he can, as he works internationally and cannot always have what he needs to stay the course. He has had two stents after major blockages were discovered, and he is always thrilled when I prepare recipes that Happy Herbivore and others like HH have created for us.

I have recently become a member of the meal plans and I am getting myself more organized to help me stay the course. Thank you for your weekly inspiration. So, all in all, today is a good day to be a happy herbivore, no, once again I take that back – today is a Great Day to be a happy herbivore.

Thank you so much, Michele, for sharing your journey with us!


Herbie of the Week: Lauren S (She No Longer Suffers From IBS, PCOS or Acne!)

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Meet our Herbie of the Week: Lauren S!

Back in August I asked the Twitter-verse if adopting a plant-based diet has improved their life and Lauren was one of the many Herbies who responded!

I immediately asked Lauren to email me so I could share her story and I’m so glad she did!

As she mentioned in her tweet, after going plant-based almost 2 years ago, Lauren’s been able to maintain her 30lb weight-loss and she no longer suffers from IBS, PCOS or acne!

Here’s Lauren’s story in her own words…

My journey to becoming plant-based began in 2003, when I was in 8th grade. I was not vegan, nor was I remotely health-conscious. I was your typical soda-guzzling, chips-munching, brownie-loving middle schooler. But then I was diagnosed with IBS. Although this is considered mild and manageable in the spectrum of lifelong health conditions, the news devastated me. I had to forgo—or at least limit—the alluring junk food all my friends were scarfing down.

However, I never fully committed to improving my health. Since I couldn’t have caffeine, I simply switched to caffeine-free sodas. Since sugar made me sick, I ate ONE brownie instead of five. Dairy treated me miserably, but I couldn’t pass up my mom’s exceptional lasagna. I dealt with discomfort on a regular basis—often after every meal! More than once, I skipped eating for the entire day because I developed an intense fear of food and its effects on my sensitive digestive system.

In addition to my IBS symptoms, I struggled with acne throughout my teen years and into college. Although this is considered “normal” by most Americans, I witnessed my mother deal with adult acne and worried that I was destined for the same path. My acne was omnipresent; I spent a significant chunk of each morning covering those embarrassing red mountains with heavy duty concealer, and large whiteheads splattered my back and shoulders. We forked over unreasonable amounts of money on potent skincare regimes, but I never saw improvement.

Toward the end of my senior year of high school, I started gaining weight. It wasn’t an alarming amount, so I barely noticed at the time. However, when college started, I gained 20lbs in the first few months! With easy access to the regular campus indulgences, I heedlessly consumed chicken strips and french fries several times a week, devoured piles of alfredo pasta, and made excellent use of the waffle machine in the mornings.

The stress of the sudden weight gain prompted several serious consequences, the first being my self-esteem. Having been thin my whole life, I felt like a stranger in my own body. Additionally, my acne was worse than ever, my energy was low, and my IBS symptoms disrupted my personal and academic life daily, sometimes forcing me to miss important notes or engaging class discussions.

A new problem developed at the end of my freshman year. I was experiencing oligomenorrhea—meaning I experienced no menstrual periods for several months. An ultrasound revealed I had cysts on my ovaries, meaning I likely had developed Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). As my lack of menstruation continued (eventually reaching a full year), doctors continued recommending the pill. Not one doctor discussed my diet.

My IBS symptoms were becoming so severe—and my confidence so low—that I found the motivation to make some changes on my own. My debut into the foreign world of nutrition was not meatless, but “whole foods.” I religiously followed leaders like Michael Pollan, Mark Bittman, and Jamie Oliver as they preached home-cooked meals with whole, “clean” ingredients. As I finished my sophomore year of college and moved into an apartment with my own kitchen, I spent every evening practicing and making meals from scratch. Although these leaders do not completely denounce meat, their advocacy of fresh and healthy food naturally led me in a meatless direction.

I definitely could not afford to buy the grass-fed beef that Pollan lauded, so I simply cooked without meat, turning to beans and veggies instead. When I noticed the difference in my weight, energy, skin, and wallet (who said vegan is expensive???), I committed. For two years, I ate a vegetarian diet, only eating dairy and eggs when at restaurants, but not keeping them in the house. With no meat, virtually no dairy, and only an occasional egg or two, I lost the 20lbs I had gained in college, plus the extra 10lbs that I acquired in high school. My skin glowed like never before, and I rarely wasted time in the morning covering embarrassing acne.

In October of 2013, shortly after watching “Forks Over Knives,” I went full herbie. It was not a challenge for me. I had been cooking vegan dishes at home for years, and I lived in New York City, home to endless vegan-friendly restaurants. When I do “lapse” and indulge in a few Oreos, I immediately notice the temporary glitch in my digestion and skin quality, which motivates me to stick to plants.

What I find most notable about my experience is that I not only lost the weight, but have effortlessly maintained the weight loss on my plant-based lifestyle. After a year of being fully plant-based, my menstruation returned naturally—no pill necessary. My recent blood work boasts ideal levels of calcium, protein, iron, and everything else. And those IBS symptoms? They’re virtually nonexistent. (And if I could give up my espresso addiction, they might disappear entirely!)

Thank you Lauren for sharing your story with us!


Buffalo Cauliflower Lentil Tacos, Cantonese Kale Salad, Eggplant Falafel Burgers & More!

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If you’re looking for quick and easy meals, this week’s meal plan will get dinner on the table in no time at all!

Eggplant Falafel Burgers (NEW!), Buffalo Lentil Tacos (NEW!), Cantonese Kale Salad (NEW!), Chana Aloo Stew (NEW!) and come together quick and require minimal prep!

And now that cooler weather is upon us, we’re bringing back Pizza Chili AND Chili Cheeze Fries — both super easy to make and sure to be hits with the entire family!

Eggplant Falafel Burgers

Individual Highlights

  • Eggplant Falafel Burgers (NEW!)
  • Pizza Chili
  • Buffalo Cauliflower Lentil Tacos (NEW!)
  • Chana Aloo Stew (NEW!)
  • Tabbouleh Spring Rolls (NEW!)
  • Black Bean Tostadas with Cream
  • Cantonese Kale Salad (NEW!)
  • Cinnamon Toast Quinoa
  • Belizey Burritos (NEW!)

Make it easier on yourself with the meal plans!

Cantonese Kale Salad

Family Highlights

  • Chili Cheeze Fries
  • Chana Aloo Stew (NEW!)
  • Cantonese Kale Salad (NEW!)
  • Pizza Chili
  • Belizey Burritos (NEW!)
  • Slow Cooker Carrot Cake Oatmeal (NEW!)
  • Creamy Dijon Pasta (NEW!)
  • Eggplant Falafel Burgers (NEW!)
  • Buffalo Cauliflower Lentil Tacos (NEW!)

Put an end to decision fatigue with the meal plans.

Buffalo Cauliflower Lentil Tacos


Just one more reason to love the meal plans: wife broke her leg last Sunday, but now, for two weeks in a row, I’ve invested just a few hours to prep and cook and our meals are done for the week. It’s definitely one less thing to have to spend time doing during the week. PLUS – having healthy and delicious food on hand certainly limits the desire for crappy take out. This is awesome!!” Bubbie S

I find the meal plans so helpful. No waste, my weekly shopping bill is low, calories are kept in check, and the variety. I had issues of what to make for meals. My 5 year old & 3.5 year old like 90{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} of the recipes.“- Brooke M

Get these meals delivered to your inbox now!


Plant-Based Finds at the Dollar Store!

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One of the most common objections I hear about going plant-based (or simply eating healthy) is that it’s SO expensive. Or someone says there’s NO WAY they could be plant-based because they don’t have access to a Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s.The truth is…