
Big Mac Potatoes, Italian Burgers, BLT Tacos, & More!

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Get ready to see fireworks with this week’s meal plan!

Big Mac Potatoes (NEW!), Apple Pie Overnight Oats (NEW!), Bruschetta Pasta Salad (NEW!) Italian Burgers (NEW!) and BLT Tacos (NEW!) are perfect for your 4th of July or summer celebrations!

You’ll also get to enjoy some of our all-time favorites like Triple Green Quesadillas, Tropickale Bowl & Eggless Egg Salad!

Big Mac Potato

Individual Highlights

  • Big Mac Potato (NEW!)
  • Triple Green Quesadillas
  • Italian Burgers (NEW!)
  • Cherry Blueberry Shake (NEW!)
  • Peachy Bean Quinoa Salad
  • Bruschetta Pasta Salad (NEW!)
  • Apple Pie Overnight Oats (NEW!)
  • Eggless Egg Salad
  • BLT Tacos (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

Peachy Bean Quinoa Salad

Family Highlights

  • Italian Burgers (NEW!)
  • Tropickale Bowl
  • Apple Pie Overnight Oats (NEW!)
  • Peachy Bean Quinoa Salad
  • BLT Tacos (NEW!)
  • Eggless Egg Salad Sandwiches
  • Bruschetta Pasta Salad (NEW!)
  • Triple Green Quesadillas
  • Big Mac Potatoes (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

BLT Tacos


I love the meal plans and highly recommend them to anyone who wants to save time and money.”- Tess R

My favorite things so far about the meal plan: major clean up only once a week, not having to think about what’s for lunch and dinner, and more quality time with my family.- Lauren B

Get the current meal plan now!


Herbie of the Week: Brent (IBS & Chronic Migraines GONE + He Lost 30+ Pounds!)

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Meet our Herbie of the Week: Brent!

Brent was nominated by his mom, Kelita. In an email, she told me how her son was suffering from migraines, digestive issues and high blood pressure — all at the age of 22!

After gaining back the weight he lost on a high protein, low carb diet, Kelita challenged Brent to go plant-based for a month just to see how he felt.

Within a month of accepting his mom’s challenge, Brent started to notice some changes: he lost 10lbs, his migraines decreased, and his digestive issues started to clear up.

Now, more than 6 months after fully committing to a plant-based diet, Brent’s 33lbs lighter, his migraines and IBS are a thing of the past AND the asthma and severe allergies he had last year are gone!

Here’s Brent’s story in his own words.

I am a “newbie”. I have only been living the plant-based lifestyle since November of 2014. I chose to go plant-based because of many different health concerns I had for myself.

I had struggled with weight for what seemed to be my entire young life. I was overweight in middle school, high school, and for the beginning of my college career. Throughout high school, I would do well on weight loss programs and then I would gain the weight back. When I got to my end of my freshman year of college (2011), I finally said “enough is enough” and I started a specific workout regimen of 1.5-2 hours in the gym, 5-6 days a week. I would also have long cardio sessions in my apartment on my stairmaster, normally 45 minutes to an hour for each session.

My diet was the typical low-carb, high protein diet consisting of 11 egg whites and oats for breakfast, and several meals throughout the day made up of chicken, beef, and tilapia. I would allow myself roughly 4-6oz of brown rice with each meal. To finish the day off, I would drink a casein protein shake before bed. Once a week, I would allow myself a “cheat meal” which normally consisted of pizza or buffalo wings. I had little to NO fruits or vegetables on this program. I stuck to this diet religiously and lost 75 pounds in 8 months. Because of my new found success and passion for diet and exercise, I changed my major to Exercise Science and wanted to learn as much as possible about the body and how it works. All is good in the neighborhood, right? Wrong.

Although I “looked good”, I felt terrible! I developed chronic migraines that I suffered from almost weekly, sometimes three or four in one week! I had to take strong prescription drugs for the migraines and they often made me feel tired and groggy. Because of all the protein, fat, and limited fiber in my diet, I developed IBS and had severe stomach pain almost every morning. Even though I had all of these symptoms and conditions, I still believed what I was doing was the “healthy” way to diet. I had bought in to the mainstream ideas of “low-carb is healthy” and “you need high protein to be fit”. It was all so overwhelming and led to future struggles mentally, some I still find myself battling today.

During the Fall of 2012, I came across “Forks Over Knives” on Netflix. I found its message to be life changing so I shared it with family and friends to hear their thoughts. When I sent it to my mother, she was sold almost instantly. She started a predominantly plant-based diet that week and hasn’t looked back since. She even completed the plant-based nutrition program offered by Dr. Colin Campbell and Cornell University in 2013. I wasn’t so quick to climb aboard the plant-based train. I was still going through some personal issues at a young age and I would often turn to food to comfort me.

Left: After I lost 75 lbs. with a low carb/high protein diet and rigorous exercise regimen. Right: After I fell off the wagon and gained 120 lbs back!

I know you’re wondering, “If you were so adamant about your high protein, carnivorous diet, why are you plant-based now?” Good question. I fell off the high-protein wagon, and hit the ground HARD. Some personal struggles and stress led to my weight gain and in about 2.5 short years I gained over 120 pounds! Eventually, I was tipping the scales at nearly 300 pounds as a 22 year-old. Keep in mind that I had graduated with my bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science during this time. I was embarrassed and felt like a slob. I felt like a hypocrite; studying exercise and yet allowing myself to get to 300 pounds.

By November of 2014, I weighed 312 pounds and was miserable. I would often talk to friends and family about my weight and where I wanted to be, often thinking back on my past “success”. One day, my mother challenged me to try a plant-based diet for one month, just to see how I felt. She recommended I look at the Happy Herbivore website and the meal plans. So from roughly Thanksgiving to Christmas, I ate a plant-based diet. I wasn’t as strict as I should have been (I still allowed that darn weekly cheat). But…I felt SO MUCH BETTER. My headaches were coming less frequently and my digestive issues began to clear up. My moods improved and I started having a more positive outlook on life! And the best part was — I was eating as much as I wanted! I was hooked.

In that short month I lost roughly 10 pounds, even with the weekly “cheat meal”. I thought to myself, “If I can lose 10 pounds and feel this good while still allowing a cheat meal once a week, I wonder how I would feel if I followed the plant-based diet more strictly and made it a lifestyle?” I began doing research. I read several books, such as “The Starch Solution” by Dr. John McDougall and “The Engine 2 Diet” by Rip Esselstyn. I also watched a few more documentaries such as “Food Matters“, “Earthlings“, and “Vegucated“.

Since making this plant-based diet a lifestyle, I have come such a long way! I have lost a total of 33 pounds since taking that next step and eliminating all animal products from my diet, even the blasted “cheat meals”! I no longer have headaches and have no digestive issues whatsoever. And the most important thing to me is that I feel great! I tell people all of the time that I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve had a bad day! This way of life is the best way to live, not only for you, but for the animals and the planet as well! Do I miss pizza, wings, and other animal foods? Sometimes. But I love my newly found health and positive outlook on life more than I love the foods that used to CONSUME my life.

The best part about this for me is that I still have a long ways to go. I am still overweight, and that is perfectly fine by me. I love myself and I know that the choices I am making every day with diet and exercise are going to pay off eventually, so I’m just going to enjoy the ride!

Thank you so much for sharing your plant-based journey with us!


Happy Herbivore Week in Review {June 15-19}

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Here’s what you missed on Happy Herbivore this week…

Overweight his entire adult life, Benji stumbled upon “Forks Over Knives” almost 2 years ago and it forever changed his life. Two years after transitioning to a plant-based diet he’s lost over 130lbs, making him half his size!! Read his incredible story here.

Fight summer chaos with this week’s meal plan! Life is hectic and busy, make it easier on yourself.

Download it here!

Serve up Beetzas (NEW!), Cauliflower Samosa Tacos (NEW!), Indonesian Stir-Fry Noodles, Cookie Dough Overnight Oats (NEW!) & more!

I shared this on the HH Facebook page this week:

We need to get away from using “good” and “bad” with food — stop assigning morality to food (I am working on this myself) there are no good foods or bad foods, just better choices. And too: Eat the best plants you can afford. It’s about EFFORT not perfection–and consistency. ‪#‎ProgressNotPerfection‬

A new Meal Mentor podcast is up!

In this episode Marla (my copilot!) and I talk about body image, and how our early childhoods, friends, and “Hollywood” can mess up how we see ourselves. (Plus real world tips for finding self-acceptance and loving our bodies a little bit more).

Marla is also a cancer survivor and for a long time she thought her meds kept her from losing weight, but ultimately she realized she was using her meds as an “excuse” and that when she stuck with it — adhered to the meal plans and her nutritional excellence — the weight came off.

P.S. Join the Meal Mentor newsletter (it’s FREE!) Click here to sign-up!


Beetza, Cauliflower Samosa Tacos, Cookie Dough Overnight Oats & More!

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Load up your plate with healthy & delicious eats from this week’s meal plan!

Check out these 6 (SIX!) bran new recipes: Beetza (NEW!), Asian Slaw Wraps (NEW!), Mexicali Couscous (NEW!), Strawberry Shortcake Tostadas (NEW!), Cauliflower Samosa Tacos (NEW!), and Cookie Dough Overnight Oats (NEW!).

Also making a repeat appearance: Indonesian Stir-Fry Noodles & Pizza Chickpeas!

Individual Highlights

  • Beetza (NEW!)
  • Pizza Chickpeas
  • Cauliflower Samosa Tacos (NEW!)
  • Mexicali Couscous (NEW!)
  • Tamale Burgers
  • Strawberry Shortcake Tostadas (NEW!)
  • Asian Slaw Wrap (NEW!)
  • Indonesian Stir-Fry Noodles
  • Cookie Dough Overnight Oats (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

Family Highlights

  • Indonesian Stir-Fry Noodles
  • Cookie Dough Overnight Oats (NEW!)
  • Mexicali Couscous (NEW!)
  • Pizza Chickpeas
  • Cauliflower Samosa Tacos (NEW!)
  • Broccletti
  • Asian Slaw Wraps (NEW!)
  • Southwest Pasta Salad
  • Beetzas (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

Mexicali Couscous


I am really enjoying the meal plans. It freed up so much time for me and the food and variety is delicious. Thank you for putting so much thought into every week’s plan and thank you for all the support!“- Charlotte W

I have saved a ton of money with the meal plans! Not to mention how much time I have saved.“- Cheryl T

Get the current meal plan now.


Herbie of the Week: Benji (He Lost Over 130lbs with a Plant-Based Diet!)

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Meet our Herbie of the Week: Benji!

You may remember Benji from the Meal Mentor podcast, but I couldn’t resist asking him to be part of the Herbie of the Week series! His story is SO inspiring!

Overweight his entire adult life, Benji stumbled upon Forks Over Knives almost 2 years ago and it forever changed his life. Two years after transitioning to a plant-based diet he’s lost over 130lbs, making him half his size!!

Benji is also the mastermind behind the Food=Medicine Conference I’m speaking at (along with my parents and one helluva all-star line-up) November 13-15 in Atlanta!

Use the coupon code “HERBIE” to save $150 off (plus another $100 off if you register by TODAY, June 15th!)

I’ll let Benji take it away…

My world changed on May 25th, 2013. It was Memorial Day weekend and I had promised myself to actually relax a little bit. While perusing the documentaries available for streaming on my DVR, I once again saw “Forks Over Knives“. I had passed by this film over the previous months, but I hadn’t really thought much of it.

Having been overweight my entire adult life, I knew it was time to go through another low-carb diet cycle that had been the norm for several years. I would deprive myself of all carbs, enjoy all the protein, vegetables and fat I wanted and lose about 30-35 pounds, only to see it come back on when I stopped. Then I would do it all over again a few months later. I knew that it was that time again, and I certainly wasn’t looking for “the answer” — I just was looking for an interesting documentary to watch on a holiday weekend!

Having been as heavy as 278 pounds in recent years, and weighing 258 that weekend, I was certainly obese. And according to the government, I was morbidly obese! BMI charts said that ‘normal’ weight was 150 and below for someone my height at 5′ 5″. I hadn’t weighed 150 since high school. I would be happy with getting down to my wedding weight of 204 and going from there. But, as I say, I wasn’t looking for a solution.

Forks Over Knives was nothing short of life-changing for me. I have not consumed any meat, dairy or eggs since watching it two years ago. And although I did not become fully whole-food, plant-based that day, I certainly became vegan and over the subsequent months, as I became more comfortable and watched the scale continue to go down, the oil and processed food became less and less important, to the point that it is now a rare occasion.

To date, I have lost a full 50{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} of my body weight – 130 lbs – down a full 150 lbs from my highest recorded weight. My cholesterol is below 180 (still working on that), but my blood glucose is 80, my triglycerides 56, my LDL 91, HDL 76, and my blood pressure is 100/61. I swim a very short distance (550 meters) daily, and feel like a completely new person (and look like one, too)!

Following a good bit of press that I was very fortunate to receive in July and August of 2014 (such as being named a Star McDougaller, being featured on, HLN-TV, and The Daily Mail), I decided to take my entrepreneurial spirit and channel it into educating the public about the life-changing benefits of a plant-based diet on one’s health, on animal welfare, and to our planet.

Last year, some partners and I started Vivid Thoughts Press – a boutique publishing imprint dedicated to helping spread the word about healthy eating. Our first published work was by established non-fiction writer Glen Merzer, who has co-written some of the plant-based world’s most popular books with authors like Del Sroufe, Pam Popper, Chef AJ and Howard Lyman. Glen’s first work of fiction, “Off the Reservation“, introduces the world to Congressman Evan Gorgoni and asks the question ‘Is America ready for its first vegan president?’ I’m so thrilled that it has been received so well!

This past October, on the plane ride home from a great plant-based nutrition conference in southern California, I realized that we needed events like that in the South – our health here in the South is just atrocious. We are fatter and sicker than many other regions of the country, and many of the wonderful speakers that we had traversed the country to listen to and meet simply weren’t appearing where we live. On that plane ride, I decided that it was time to start a nonprofit and try my hand at putting together a gathering like those I had attended elsewhere. That’s when the Alliance to Repair the American Diet and the Food=Medicine Conference was born.

Over the subsequent months, I was truly fortunate to hear ‘yes’ from so many of the pioneers and leaders of the plant-based movement. We confirmed an all-star roster of faculty, including Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. Greger, Dr. Kim Williams, Dr. Robert Ostfeld, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, and many more, including The Happy Herbivore herself, Lindsay Nixon!

We were thrilled to receive accreditation from Emory University School of Medicine to offer CME credit to physicians, as well as preapproval from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for continuing education credits for nutritionists and dietitians. I’m thrilled to be working with our venue, the spacious, wooded Emory Conference Center Hotel on the campus of Emory University. Most of all, I am truly humbled by the overwhelmingly positive response from our attendees. We are months away and are already having to make plans to accommodate what is going to be a very nice-sized group.

Thank you so much Benji for sharing your incredible story with us!