
Spaghetti & “Meatballs”, Pot Pie Soup, Vegetable Lasagna Wheels & More!

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It’s another week of new and exciting meals on this week’s meal plan!

Enjoy healthy and guilt-free eats like the Spaghetti & “Meatballs” (NEW!), Pot Pie Soup (NEW!), Smoky Zucchini Cakes (NEW!), and Vegetable Lasagna Wheels (NEW!).

There’s also a super awesome Cherry Almond Baked Oatmeal (NEW!) for breakfast and meal plan classics including the Smashed White Bean & Roasted Red Pepper Wrap and Philly Cheeze “Steak” Bowl.

Spaghetti & “Meatballs”

Individual Highlights

  • Spaghetti & “Meatballs” (NEW!)
  • Cool Noodle Bowl
  • Vegetable Lasagna Wheels (NEW!)
  • Sautéed Banana Oatmeal
  • Smashed White Bean & Roasted Red Pepper Wrap
  • Pot Pie Soup (NEW!)
  • Philly Cheeze “Steak” Bowl
  • Cherry Almond Baked Oatmeal (NEW!)
  • Smoky Zucchini Cakes (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

Vegetable Lasagna Wheels

Family Highlights

  • Vegetable Lasagna Wheels (NEW!)
  • Pot Pie Soup (NEW!)
  • Philly Cheeze “Steak” Bowl
  • Smoky Zucchini Cakes (NEW!)
  • Smashed White Bean & Roasted Red Pepper Wraps (Bonus Lunch Recipe)
  • Tortilla Soup
  • Cherry Almond Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal (NEW!, Bonus Breakfast Recipe)
  • Southwestern Bean Burgers
  • Spaghetti & “Meatballs” (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

Philly Cheeze “Steak” Bowl


I love the meal plans! They have made my life so much easier! Well worth the money! They save time, effort and money!“- Heather R

I am SO grateful to you for these simple, tasty, ORGANIZED meals and recipes! My house smells wonderful and I feel peaceful knowing the fridge is filled with healthy, nutritious vegan meals. I work long hours and am trying to eat more healthily as well as save money — this is working for me on all those levels and more!“- Cricket

Get the current meal plan now.


Herbie of the Week: Jenny O (Plant-Based Abroad & Making it Work!)

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Meet our Herbie of the Week: Jenny O!

I’m always getting questions from Herbies about how they can be plant-based in foreign countries — and Jenny is proof it IS possible.

After years of gaining and losing the same 20lbs, she committed to a plant-based diet (with the help of Meal Mentor) while living in China and the pounds started melting off!

In just a few months, Jenny’s lost 20lbs and is now armed with the tools to continue a healthy, plant-based way of life ANYWHERE in the world for many years to come.

I’ll let Jenny take it away!

You can eat healthy anywhere in the world. Conversely, you can eat poorly anywhere in the world too. My life has been a journey to learn this truth.

When I was in high school, I decided that I needed to give up red meat. I knew it was unhealthy and when I began university I became a vegetarian. I still ate eggs and dairy and thought veganism was a bit on the radical side, but I knew that meat was something that didn’t belong in my diet. At 21, I moved to Sweden to do missionary work for my church. I gave up being a vegetarian, as I found it was inconvenient to my lifestyle, and I gained close to twenty pounds in a year and a half through making poor food choices. I returned to the United States in 1996 and began my battle with that same twenty pounds that has lasted for nearly two decades.

Like many people, I tried to do all of the things we are “supposed to do” to be healthy and to maintain my weight. I joined Weight Watchers and lost (and found) the weight again and again over a number of years. I had always been active and made exercise a part of my life, but even so, I just didn’t feel consistently good about my body or how I looked. Even when training for the three marathons and the five half marathons I have run, I never felt that I was getting it all right, especially when it came to my nutrition. There had to be something I was missing.

In 2004, I moved to Venezuela to work at an international school. I continued to eat meat and dairy, continued to count points, continued exercising regularly and continued to gain and lose the same weight. Being abroad, I often found that it was often easy to make unhealthy choices when eating. South American culture values meaty meals and temptations abounded. I didn’t want to pass up the cultural experiences I thought came with the local cuisine, and as such, my weight and commitment to healthy eating continued to fluctuate.

After two years in Venezuela, I moved to Dubai. If I thought there were poor food choices to be made in Venezuela, Dubai took things to another level. Every major American restaurant chain was there in full force. It was no wonder to me that there was alarm about the expanding waistlines of the local population as indulgence in food was the order of the day. Fortunately, I discovered the joys of vegetarian Indian food and made an effort to cook my own meals as much as possible.

I returned to the US in 2009 determined to eat well. I kept meat to a minimum, but didn’t cut it out completely. In the spring of 2011, I saw “Forks Over Knives” and knew that this was the key to taking control of my weight and my health. However, I moved to Guangzhou, China a few months later and found it difficult to live a plant-based life. The concept of vegetarianism isn’t widely appreciated in China and most dishes are seasoned with meat. While there are amazing Buddhist vegetarian restaurants, they are the exception rather than the rule.

In 2012, I returned from my summer vacation in the US to China armed with “Forks Over Knives” and Happy Herbivore cookbooks and a determination to live as plant-based as possible. Most of the time, I succeeded in my efforts. At other times, I was less vigilant and my weight went up and my energy level went down, even when I exercised multiple times each week and trained for a number of half marathons. When I turned 40 in the fall of 2013, I was so frustrated with my seeming inability to maintain my weight, that I threw away my scale. Even though I was eating plant based 95{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} of the time, I still managed to gain ten pounds just in time for summer.

Looking at pictures from my summer vacation to Istanbul, I knew that it was time to make permanent changes in the way I was eating. 95{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} wasn’t good enough. I needed to do more. For the last several months, I’ve been almost completely plant-based. I live alone, and throughout the years, my biggest struggle with food was coming home from work at the end of the day and not knowing what to cook. As I continued to look for easy plant-based recipes and resources, I found the Meal Mentor meal plans and decided to give them a try. It’s been about two months, and following the meal plans has given me the key to executing a plant-based lifestyle in earnest. I don’t have to think about what I am going to cook anymore and there is always a healthy meal in the refrigerator. The ingredients are simple and fresh and easy to find in local markets. I have also experienced the benefits of eating foods with a low caloric density through following Lindsay’s guidance. I’m never hungry anymore at the end of a meal, and since I started using the meal plans I’ve easily lost 8 pounds.

I feel like I still have a long way to go on my journey to life-long healthy eating, but after years of searching, I now have the tools, support and a roadmap to get me there. Having access to easy to make, great-tasting recipes I can find ingredients for worldwide is invaluable. I now know that whether I’m living my day to day life in China, at home in the United States, or anywhere else in the world I can make choices about food that will fuel my body and spirit in a positive way.

Thanks Jenny for sharing your story with us!

P.S. To hear more of Jenny’s story, you can listen to her on the Meal Mentor podcast here.

Update (March 2015)

I’ve been almost entirely plant-based for four months since starting with the meal plans in November. I continue to feel great and I have continued to lose weight too. Bonus! I’ve lost 20 pounds in four months, which hasn’t ever happened before. It’s been so great not to watch what I’m eating or to try to control portions. I am feasting on delicious healthy food, and my body loves it. I’m so happy to be plant-based and so thankful to Lindsay for making this positive change a reality in my life!


Introducing Meal Mentor (The Blog, The Podcast, Forums and Community)

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Meal Mentor is a thriving (and fast growing) community of moms, dads, coeds, singles, couples, seniors and other home cooks who want to live in the fast lane but not the drive-thru.

If you want to push through plateaus, eat GOOD food, simplify your life, lose weight, and chart a course for a healthier destiny… JOIN US!

My biggest confession: I could really use some peer support.

One of the biggest challenges for me was finding a friend who “understood.”

I had the education.

I knew EXACTLY what I needed to do and WHY.

But it wasn’t happening. I was failing with my follow-through.

I WANTED to stay on track…

…but it’s hard to run laps around a track alone!

I needed a community, a group of like-minded peers to talk to.

That’s why I started blogging… and later created HH’s Facebook page… and while I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE Facebook, it’s becoming more and more negative 🙁 🙁

Success is about creating a self-SUPPORTING environment…

Which is WHY I developed Meal Mentor.

A safe space without trolls and drama.

It’s a private, supportive community of like-minded individuals who will be your cheerleader when you need it.

It’s all about positivity… and PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION.

We have Member Forums now (interact with 2,463 new besties) and live chats.

My favorite part is seeing all the pictures of recipes people are posting. I’m a visual person so it’s very inspiring! It makes me WANT to cook! Which is why I also created…

A community Instagram account!

Follow Meal Mentor on Instagram and we’ll follow you back!

(We also have lots of picture contests, too! Win a HH hoodie by posting!)

Meal Mentor, the blog is where you’ll get science-backed, actionable advice and expert tips for eating better (and getting over your hurdles!) in a realistic way.

Ingredient School (a new series) will debut in April too!

Meal Mentor Podcast each week I meet with a meal plan member or expert to discuss common issues and struggles we all have on our plant-based journey, and how we can make our healthy lifestyle more do-able. There’s already 7 episodes!

Listen on iTunes totally free.

Other Community Perks

In addition to the new member forums, live chats, podcast, and Instagram, there’s also a boatload of additional resources available EXCLUSIVELY to members:

  • tutorial videos
  • cooking videos
  • lifestyle guides
  • education materials (i.e. conversion tables, substitution charts)
  • master table of contents for ALL recipes
  • AND you get a bonus gift EVERY month (usually a cookbook!)

Meal Mentor Meal Plans

Part of my saving grace is always having a plan in place. Knowing EXACTLY what I am going to eat and when.

Cooking my meals ahead so I can’t stumble into temptation during my busy week is KEY.

The meal plans have made a HUGE difference in my health + sanity.

New Features!

You already know I’m OBSESSED with batch cooking LIKE A BOSS

Which is why I’ve redesigned the prep sheets… see:

Step-by-step instruction for how you too can cook everything ahead FAST.

The meal plans are also completely customizable now — even the shopping lists!


Meal Mentor is your new online home. Your new community.


(Even if you’re not a newbie anymore, old pros still need a community.)

Research solidly backs up that two IS better than one and that you’re more likely to stick with a health routine over time if you’re part of a formal group.

Meal Mentor is that group.

Wouldn’t it be easier to stay motivated and on track if you had an army of mentors, coaches, and cheerleaders by your side?

See you on the inside!

Join the Meal Mentor community now.


Falafel Burgers, Crispy Tofu Strips, Cocoa Chili & More!

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This week’s meal plan is guaranteed to be a hit with the whole family!

Recipes like the Falafel Burgers (NEW!), Crispy Tofu Strips (NEW!), and Peanut Butter & Pumpkin Roll-Up (NEW!) are sure to blow your socks off!

There’s also a hearty Portobello Stew (NEW!) and a savory but sweet Cocoa Chili (NEW!) to thaw you out of this last bit of winter.

Crispy Tofu Strips

Individual Highlights

  • Falafel Burgers (NEW!)
  • Easy Cinnamon Roll
  • Cocoa Chili (NEW!)
  • Sweet & Sour Stuffed Bell Peppers
  • Portobello Stew (NEW!)
  • 7-Layer Vegetable Sandwich
  • Crispy Tofu Strips (NEW!)
  • Fresh Nori Wraps
  • Peanut Butter & Pumpkin Roll-Up (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

Peanut Butter & Pumpkin Roll-Up

Family Highlights

  • Crispy Tofu Strips (NEW!)
  • Sweet & Sour Stuffed Bell Peppers
  • 7-Layer Vegetable Sandwich (Bonus Lunch Recipe)
  • Portobello Stew (NEW!)
  • Vegetable Korma
  • Cocoa Chili (NEW!)
  • Mexican Mac ‘n’ Cheese
  • Peanut Butter & Pumpkin Roll-Up (NEW!, Bonus Breakfast Recipe)
  • Falafel Burgers (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

Falafel Burgers


Our grocery bill has gone down significantly since using the meal plans. There is also MUCH less food wasted in our house now, too, since the meals are already portioned out. That’s money saved, too.” -Jennifer P

Last week was my first time cooking everything in advance and I lost 3.5 lbs! I’m just mad I didn’t do it sooner – the convenience and peace of mind is totally worth the time spent in the kitchen. This plan is the best!“- Marla K

Get the current meal plan now!