
Post-Holiday Detox Meal Plan! Moroccan Shepherd’s Pie, Creamy Garlic Pasta, Pizza Chili & More!

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Annual Meal Plan Premium Memberships ON SALE Thursday, January 1st for ONE DAY ONLY!!

This is our biggest sale ever and we won’t be offering it again.

Get a year’s worth of meal plans 52 weeks! Over 1,000 recipes (5 new each week!) for only $179 (retail $728!)

Only $3.44 a week (less than 50¢ a day) – a 75{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} savings!

Every recipe is vegan (no eggs, no dairy) plus gluten-free, soy-free, and nut-free friendly!

As an annual member, you will receive BOTH the individual and family plans (a whopping $728 value)!

52 weeks * $7 week * 2 plans = $728 value

Payment plans also available!

Annual premium membership also gives you access to our exclusive Facebook group where you can interact with 450+ members 24/7!

BIG BONUS: My FREE gift to you, you’ll also get 3 amazing ebooks ($29.99 value!) to help set you up for long-term success!

**If you’re already a monthly subscriber, you can upgrade to the annual membership from your profile.**

Start the New Year off right with our Post-Holiday Detox Meal Plan!

Make eating healthy a no-brainer after the holidays with Slow Cooker Stuffed Bell Peppers (NEW!), Moroccan Shepherd’s Pie (NEW!), Spinach Artichoke Dip Soup (NEW!), & Pizza Chili (NEW!)!

Get the meal plan so you’re ready to get back on the healthy train after all your festivities or to kick it up a notch!

Moroccan Shepherd’s Pie

Individual Highlights

  • Moroccan Shepherd’s Pie (NEW!)
  • Spinach Artichoke Dip Soup (NEW!)
  • Pinto Bean Salad
  • Breakfast Pizza (NEW!)
  • Indonesian Stir-Fry Noodles
  • Slow Cooker Stuffed Bell Peppers (NEW!)
  • Creamy Garlic Pasta
  • 1-Minute French Toast
  • Pizza Chili (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

Creamy Garlic Pasta

Family Highlights

  • Slow Cooker Stuffed Bell Peppers (NEW!)
  • Indonesian Stir-Fry Noodles
  • Creamy Thai Quinoa Salad (Bonus Lunch Recipe)
  • Pizza Chili (NEW!)
  • Creamy Garlic Pasta
  • Breakfast Pizza (NEW!, Bonus Breakfast Recipe)
  • Spinach Artichoke Dip Soup (NEW!)
  • Black Bean Tortas
  • Moroccan Shepherd’s Pie (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

Pizza Chili


I love how the meal plan recipes are really easy and you prep them all at once. I make just a little extra since I’m also feeding a one year old. She generally likes everything! More than anything the meal plans save me a ton of money on groceries because you buy only what you need.“-Erin G

I have been doing the meal plans for a couple weeks and I am losing a couple pounds every week! I highly reccomend them if you want a no brainer list of what to eat and buy — it takes all the thinking out of it!“-Rebecca P

Get the current meal plan now.


Herbies of the Week: A Look Back At All The Inspiring Stories of 2014!

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It has been an incredible (incredible!) year. So many people are changing their lives thanks to a plant-based diet. We had so many AMAZING stories in 2014, and I already have more inspiring stories lined up for 2015! Lives are changing!

Here’s a look back on all of our 2014 Herbies of the Week!!!

Judith & Fran lost a combined total of 80lbs, lowered their cholesterol, and Fran is now off half of his blood pressure and heart medications.

Kate M not only improved her GI issues with a plant-based diet, but her labwork for signs of cancer continue to improve and show negative tests for tumors, lesions or other signs of growth.

Rose lowered her cholesterol and lost 40lbs in less than a year.

Erin is 37lbs lighter and no longer suffers from chronic pain.

Lynne beat PCOS & infertility by switching to a plant-based diet.

Jacqueline lost over 105lbs thanks to the meal plans and Happy Herbivore cookbooks. She also started running and completed her first half marathon.

Mia shed 50lbs and is finally in control of her health now since going plant-based.

Holly immediately saw improvements to her skin and energy levels after adopting a plant-based diet (plus she lost 15lbs!). Her hubby Adam dropped 50lbs and stopped taking his blood pressure and cholesterol meds.

Sherry & Kerry lost over 250lbs together after Sherry suffered a lacunar stroke. Sherry also reversed her T2 diabetes!

Rob dropped 62lbs and 12 inches off his waist. He’s also in less pain, has more energy, and his allergies and acid reflux are nearly non-existent.

Stacy lost 20lbs after ditching meat and dairy without even trying. She also noticed improvements to her health, including her fibromyalgia.

Rebecca A stopped focusing on her size and started focusing on health when going plant-based. The result? A 150lb weight-loss!

Heidi was off her blood pressure medication within three months of going plant-based and is now in the best shape of her life.

Crystalyn lost more than 30lbs and lowered her cholesterol by more than 65 points in less than a year.

Jernae cleared up her acne, sleeps better, no longer suffers from exercise-induced asthma and lost 23lbs.

Jesse welcomed a beautiful baby girl after a plant-based pregnancy.

Catherine‘s headaches and brain fog are gone as well as thicker and shinier hair, thanks to her plant-based diet.

Bonebreaker went from 570lbs to plant proud professional wrestler. He also lost an incredible 150lbs of body fat, no longer has a heart murmur, reversed his diabetes and lowered his blood pressure.

Patti lowered her cholesterol by 120 points, her chronic headaches disappeared, cleared up her skin and has more energy than ever.

Deb B. lost nearly 50lbs (with the help of the meal plans), no longer needs her pain management medication and reduced her acid reflux meds.

Derrick & Katie lost a combined total of 140lbs and lowered their cholesterol and blood pressure!

Jim G lowered his cholesterol by 50 points within 5 weeks of switching to a plant-based diet. He also lowered his blood pressure and lost 40lbs.

Sarah C lost 20lbs and feels more empowered than ever thanks to her plant proud lifestyle.

Stephen no longer needs to take medication for his anxiety — and he lost 70lbs!

Cat & Shelton supported each other on their plant-based journey and lost over 190lbs together!

Suzanna went from a meat-eating Ms. Natural Olympia bodybuilder to a plant-based tennis playing champion and educator.

Kathy shared her experience on being plant-based and pregnant with TWINS!

Schari & Ryan lowered their cholesterol and lost 120lbs together!

Jill & Gloria lost 45lbs together by eliminating all animal products from their diet.

The Turner Family‘s skin cleared up, they lost weight and their kids are thriving on a plant-based diet.

Rebecca B finally listened to her body and is now happier than ever.

Erik B lost 75lbs and lowered his cholesterol (all while being on active duty with the US Navy!)

Joanne dropped 20lbs and is doing the best she can on her plant-based journey.

Diane H is down 2 pant sizes and is no longer in denial after realizing she could no longer keep peanut butter in her house.

Lesli & Rich switched to a plant-based diet and saw incredible results: Lesli lost 30lbs and no longer needs to be placed on statins to lower her cholesterol while Rich lost 40lbs and no longer needs to take medication for stomach irritation.

Amy B lost over 100LBS following a plant-based diet!

Heather reversed her diabetes, is off her medication and lowered her cholesterol and blood pressure all by eating plants!

Bethany lowered her cholesterol and lost 65lbs – which she says are gone forever!

Tommy reversed all of his medical issues (which included diverticulitis and a pre-cancerous stomach) with a plant-based diet.

Stacy & Jim lost over 50lbs and lowered their cholesterol.

The Dern Family went plant-based 3 years ago and they’re happier and healthier than ever! Jenna’s parents both lost 20lbs while she lowered her own cholesterol and is at a “very low risk” for heart disease!

Stevi lowered her cholesterol (by nearly 100 pts! without the use of statins) and she’s almost off her blood pressure meds and feels great!

Tara no longer suffers from GI issues or depression after switching to a plant-based diet.

Sara & Jeff started running half marathons together and lost 35lbs!

Jessica C went from having a plant-based pregnancy to raising a little Herbie of her own!

Kristie started a plant-based diet as 30 day “experiment”. Fast forward 18 months and she’s lost 100lbs and has more energy than ever!

Jenn A not only improved her fibromyalgia, but also lost 53lbs and is no longer diabetic.

Stephanie V has lost nearly 100lbs and is off her cholesterol meds!

Congratulations to all of the 2014 Herbies of the Week and thank you for sharing your stories!


Cauliflower & Vegetable Pizza, Southwest Broccoli Chowder, Breakfast Polenta Scramble & More!

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Go a little overboard with holiday eats and treats? Get back on track with this week’s super healthy meal plan!

With meals like the Cauliflower Vegetable Pizza (NEW!), Southwest Broccoli Chowder (NEW!), Cranberry Sweet Potato Couscous (NEW!), and Tomato Rice & Kale Stew (NEW!) prepared and ready to eat, you won’t be tempted by all those leftover goodies lurking around every corner!

Also new this week Breakfast Polenta Scramble (NEW!) – so savory & delicious!

Tomato Rice & Kale Stew

Individual Highlights

  • Cauliflower & Vegetable Pizza (NEW!)
  • Hummus & Cheesy Tomato Sandwich
  • Southwest Broccoli Chowder (NEW!)
  • Quinoa Nori Rolls
  • Cranberry Sweet Potato Couscous (NEW!)
  • Tomato Rice & Kale Stew (NEW!)
  • 7-Layer Vegetable Sandwich
  • Breakfast Polenta Scramble (NEW!)
  • Roasted Red Pepper Spaghetti

Get this meal plan now.

Roasted Red Pepper Spaghetti

Family Highlights

  • Hippie Loaf with Brown Gravy
  • Cauliflower & Vegetable Pizzas (NEW!)
  • Breakfast Polenta Scramble (NEW! Bonus Breakfast Recipe)
  • Cranberry Sweet Potato Couscous (NEW!)
  • Kung Pao Chickpea Tacos
  • Tomato Rice & Kale Stew (NEW!)
  • Roasted Red Pepper Spaghetti
  • Quinoa Nori Rolls (Bonus Lunch Recipe)
  • Southwest Broccoli Chowder (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

Southwest Broccoli Chowder


I like the meal plans because they keep me on track. When I stray away from the,, I end up gaining weight. I love that the ingredients are real, whole foods and are easy to find, purchase and prepare.– Andrea M

The perks of the meal plans are your time (zero planning, zero making a shopping list, 3 hours cooking for the whole week) and an easy clean kitchen for the rest of the week. Healthy meals, no last minute takeaway caused by complete lack of planning. At my place, this pays for itself in no time!“- Lyn F

Get the current meal plan now.


Herbie of the Week: Stephanie V (She’s Down 95lbs & Off Her Cholesterol Meds!)

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Meet our Herbie of the Week: Stephanie V!

A former fad dieter, Stephanie was determined to lower her cholesterol without the help of medication by changing her diet. But when a low fat diet and eliminating red meat didn’t lower her numbers, her doctor put her on meds.

Feeling desperate, Stephanie turned to Google for help and that’s when she came across a plant-based diet. It’s been 2 1/2 years since she stopped eating meat, dairy and oil cold turkey, and she’s still rocking and rolling!

Since making the switch, Stephanie’s lost nearly 100lbs (and kept it off!), no longer needs to take cholesterol medications and has a ton of energy.

Read on for Stephanie’s story!

I am excited to share my story. It all began years ago with my love and comfort of food. I did not grow up in a loving family and food fulfilled that void. I have been overweight my entire life and have been on all kinds of weight loss fads from the first “shake” diet drink to even the prescription weight lose pills. Every one I tried, I lost weight but ended up gaining it all back plus some.

Several years ago after having my blood work checked, the results came back with high cholesterol and my LDL was out of control. So being the researcher that I am, I found my next weight loss plan – a low fat diet. I pleaded with my doctor to not prescribe me cholesterol meds and that I would control via my diet. I delved in with the low fat diet and also cut out some meats – the only meats I ate were chicken and pork. The doctor agreed and requested my blood work be done twice a year and after two years, it never lowered. I was bummed and finally had to take cholesterol meds.

I started to get depressed for I did not want to be dependent on meds, but still stayed with the low fat diet and sadly the little weight I lost started coming back. I was like “this is it” – feeling desperate I started more research and came across the book, “Eat to Live“. I ordered, read the book and went plant-based cold turkey the day after Christmas. “Eat to Live” lead me to watch “Forks Over Knives“, which then lead me to Happy Herbivore. I ordered all of Lindsay’s cookbooks and have enjoyed each recipe. I was surprised how great the food tasted, and being a chocolate lover that I am, the chocolate chip cookies are very yummy.

Before I started the low fat diet I hit my highest weight of 270 and as of today I am down 95 pounds – yeah! I did lose some being low fat but lost even more once I went plant-based over two and a half years ago. I feel so great – I am off the cholesterol meds, my knees no longer ache and have so much energy. Several have told me I even look younger. And best of all for me – I have not gained it all back and kept it off. That is a huge for me after trying so many fad diets only to gain it back plus some.

Several have asked me how I have lost weight and I share about plant base. I get lots of weird looks and questions from where do you get your calcium to your protein. It is sad that our society has believed what others have told us what to eat. I live in the Midwest and they love their comfort food – my goal is to lovingly share about plant-based and be supportive in the choices others make. My best step is to lead by example and will share I have seen others step over to the vegan and even plant base. Others have even added more veggies to their omnivore palette. That to me is progress.

I will admit I have slipped and found myself picking up vegan processed foods, and when I do I tend to gain weight. So after gaining 9 pounds back I was like “it is time to get back on track!” Lindsay’s articles she has posted on staying free of oils and sugars have been a huge plus for me. I signed up for the meal plans and very happy I did because since I started in September – I have lost those 9 pounds – woohoo! I tell ya the meal plans are so easy and my grocery bill is much less in cost. I make all the meals on Saturdays. I have added vegan chocolate chips to some muffins, fruits or shakes (I do love my chocolate) but sure will not beat myself up over it. For me it is about progress and not perfection or to get upset if I add some vegan chocolate chips.

My goal is to reach that 100 pounds lost mark and know I will. If it takes another month or two – I am ok with that for my focus is stay plant proud and keep the weight off.

Thanks Lindsay and team for your caring spirit for others.

Thank you Stephanie for sharing your beautiful story!


Updated Happy Herbivore Cookbooks Master Table Of Contents (Now with Holidays & Gatherings!)

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Now that my latest cookbook Happy Herbivore Holidays & Gatherings is out, we’ve updated the “master” table of contents of Happy Herbivore cookbook recipes!

The latest version includes recipes from all five Happy Herbivore cookbooks (The Happy Herbivore Cookbook, Everyday Happy Herbivore, Happy Herbivore Abroad, Happy Herbivore Light & Lean, and Happy Herbivore Holidays & Gatherings), which are listed in alphabetical order with their page numbers.

It’s great for when you’re looking for a recipe, but don’t want to go on a “search safari” through every book 😉

Here’s the link to download the PDF: HH Master Table of Contents

Download and save as a PDF file on your computer or device, or print a copy for your kitchen, whatever makes finding your favorite HH recipes easiest for you!
