
Transitioning Kids to a Plant-Based Diet (Guest post by Nicolien!)

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I’m always getting emails and questions on Facebook from parents asking how they can transition their kids to eating a plant-based diet.

Even though I cover this (and much more!) in The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living, I thought it would be great for parents to hear from a Herbie mama out in the trenches.

That’s why I asked Nicolien to guest post on the blog today! Not only is she from Belgium, but she’s also a mother of 6 (SIX!) and recently transitioned her family to eating a plant-based diet — which they were VERY excited about!

I’ll let Nicolien take it away…

Hello dear Herbies,

My family (husband, 46, six children aged 16 to 8 and I, 42) had been living a relatively healthy lifestyle in Belgium for many years (we certainly thought so!), consisting of a vegetarian diet, home cooked fresh meals every day, taking regular exercise for fun as well as for health benefits, doing yoga and meditation intensively, as well as giving each other massages, which all provided us with a happy and balanced outlook on life.

In 2011 we had eliminated all refined sugars from our diets, which had been a healthy step forward. We also always drank lots of water. On a regular basis, we go out into the streets in our neighborhood and clean up the trash to help the planet stay healthy as well (especially on the little hilly roads through the fields).

After my sister died at age 23 in 1993, it felt like a privilege for all of us to be alive and healthy, and it still does. That definitely serves as an incentive to take good care of ourselves and be grateful for this wonderful life! However, dealing with asthma-related breathing issues and hayfever since the age of 17, as well as anxiety attacks (which had gotten quite severe in August 2013), the harmony in my life felt fragile. It felt like there could be more, so from 2007 onwards I was searching and reading many spiritual books, which all helped me in numerous different ways.

On April 24th, 2014, my husband came home from getting bread at our local bakery, close to the house we used to live in up until a few months ago. Whilst checking if there had still been any mail delivered for us at the old house, he came across a magazine called Wellness. My mom had brought an issue of that magazine along for me for the first time around September 2013, when I was dealing with severe anxiety. She had mentioned this to a woman at a Wellness Center where she had planned to spend a few days, but cancelled so she could come over to our house (a 3.5 hour drive from Holland) to help me and my family. This woman had then given me a subscription to the magazine as a comforting gift (isn’t that sweet and heartwarming!).

We were at the breakfast table, waiting for the fresh bread, and I couldn’t help but take a peek into the magazine (normally we don’t read whilst eating, we eat!). In it was an article about a woman who went to the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida for a 3 week experience of eating raw, plant-based foods and what good it had done for her many health issues. After reading it, my attention was aroused enormously and I went on to visit her website where I found a link to The China Study and Forks Over Knives. I watched the trailer and ordered the DVD from Amazon, feeling strongly that I had found a gem! I couldn’t stop reading everything I could find on the topic and felt a strong urge to go plant-based immediately. By lunchtime, I had made the decision and I told my children, all of whom eat at home for lunch as we live 2 minutes away from school. It felt like coming home so strongly, it was wonderful 🙂

The 4 girls (13, 11, 11 and 8) were thrilled just as much as I was. I also encouraged them to actively help me out in this joint journey of ours by reading as much information on the internet as possible, which they gladly did. The boys (16 and 15) were a bit more skeptical, not immediately convinced, but at least open to it as well. The ‘letting them read everything on the topic that they wanted whenever they had questions’ was a very helpful tool for them to transition to a plant proud lifestyle. They became less apprehensive with each meal, and the array of foods that I offered them grew every day. I simply tried lots and lots of different vegetables (the variety of fruits they ate had been a lot larger to begin with, but even there they made remarkable improvements, at least they try everything I give them now, which is great; the more often they taste new foods, the faster they will like them).

We’ve added lots of different types of lettuce, escarole, kale and eggplant, rhubarb (we ate those already but not as often as we do now), swiss chard, bok choy, yams, and for some of the children mushrooms, tomatoes and onions and sometimes avocado (not all of them ate that before, and meanwhile they are pros). It has become 2nd nature to eat vegetables as a snack, whereas before we mostly limited ourselves to fruits, nuts, bread and rice crackers. Legumes had already been part of our meals almost daily, we’ve only increased the amounts.

Many things just fell into place; my desire to raise our family as healthily as possible, my longing to decrease our environmental footprint and take better care of Mother Earth, my aspiration to be able to mean something to those less fortunate than we are, albeit it in an indirect manner, and seeing animals as loving beings who deserve to live. Before, I was not aware consciously about the atrocities taking place in the dairy and egg industry (meat had been obvious, and in hindsight these are also so obvious that I’m wondering how I could not have seen it before). This information was also what made our sons stop consuming those products.

It turned out to be very easy for them, they feel great, fit and happy and the atmosphere in our home is peaceful which is no coincidence I think! It took a relatively short time this transition, just a few weeks at the most. What helped was being very open, informative, learning together and letting them follow their own pace, yet stimulating their progress and acknowledging it. Telling them I’m so proud of them and giving lots of hugs!!

We watched Forks Over Knives on May 1st, which we love and embrace wholeheartedly. It felt like a total endorsement of our choice. Since then, we’ve shown it to my parents who are also very open to the plant-based lifestyle, my mom at least applying it at home and my dad trying more and more vegan options (they weren’t great meat eaters anyhow) 🙂

Our 16 year old son has watched the film several times already, learning more details each time he watches it, and creating a great basis for discussion of the manifold benefits. The compassion in our household has greatly increased and we’re deeply thankful for that, as well as for the wonderful tasting variety of food which we’ve (re-)discovered since then. Another great bonus is feeling that we positively contribute to animal welfare, protection of the earth and world hunger at the same time. We feel HAPPY and HEALTHY! We’ll certainly offer other people in our surroundings to watch this film as well.

My husband was open and supportive from the beginning, but he was the one who willingly finished our non-vegan products, so he is also following his own pace. At work, he might still choose a fish option, but certainly not at home and he has swapped cow’s milk in his coffee for nut and rice drinks. He is very helpful with all the shopping adjustments we have made and loves what I cook and bake! I ordered the Happy Herbivore cookbooks and we are looking forward to enjoying many more delicious dishes from them! The banana ice cream, which I’d already gotten from internet, is a recurring favorite already, and we loved the lentil loaf from Happy Herbivore Abroad 🙂

I wish I could experience how my sister Marieke would feel about WFPB eating, as she was an enthusiastic cook who often tried new recipes. It feels as though she would embrace this lifestyle as well. I now try so many more new recipes than before that I’m even beginning to feel like a kitchen princess. Before, I judged myself, thinking I wasn’t capable of that, and now I experience that I am and it feels empowering and gives me confidence. That in turn makes me appreciate and love myself more which is a great gift. Very often, I find myself smiling, and feeling so lucky and grateful for this path. I also feel lighter in many ways.

Learning about the plant-based lifestyle, I found so many inspiring websites, like Happy Herbivore of course, which had just started the 28 Day Live Better Challenge. That was a great way to improve the quality of our lives on many different levels all at the same time. So the timing was perfect.

Like I said before; so many things fell into place and by going plant-based, I have so much more energy than before, which is just what I need with providing a healthy, fun, responsible life for our large family. Living in Belgium, some typical American foods (which I love having studied at UC Berkeley for a year; that’s actually where I met my husband!) are hard to come by. It took me a while to find pumpkin puree for example, as a substitute for fat in baking (thanks for those alternatives Lindsay, they’re great!!), but luckily I found it at an English store nearby. Also vanilla extract was hard to find but meanwhile we’ve found it. And the measurements are different in Europe, but as I have a special cup/milliliter measuring cup that is also easy.

Our twin girls went to a birthday party this summer and took the initiative to ask the birthday girl if they could have a vegan option!! That made me so happy and proud and whilst the others were eating hamburgers and hotdogs, they ate rolls with vegan burgers on them, as well as a good load of tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce. It is great that the parents of the girl supported us in this way and I specifically showed them our appreciation for it. That feels like a great way to make people interested in a plant-based way of eating.

My 13 year old daughter started a vegetable garden with the help of my father shortly after we moved to our new house in February, so that is a great addition as well. We’ve already eaten our own grown radishes, lettuce and herbs, and are looking forward to carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, onions, zucchini and more! She also started her own blog.

After nearly 5 months we feel like it has been much longer since going plant-based as it all feels so natural! We thoroughly enjoy many HH recipes, particularly black bean brownies, carrot cake cupcakes and peanut butter cup smoothie 🙂 It’s fun to experiment in the kitchen. We’ve really become accustomed to eating lots and lots of veggies in all the colours of the rainbow every day.

My husband and I have both lost 8 pounds, so we feel energetic and happy. He’s probably going to lose more at his own pace. My challenge remains not over-eating whenever I love particular food or feel sad. What helps is chewing, chewing, chewing, every time again. It makes me more aware, enjoy my food more and generally more satisfied.

We’ve also really embraced eating low fat; we’ve cut down on nuts and seeds enormously, and we no longer cook or bake in oil. This has proven to be a good move, especially for our energy levels. Eating bread made from different kinds of grains instead of wheat has also contributed to that. The children are passionate about this way of living and share it with their friends in a gentle manner. Some of them also talk about it in class and have great conversations about it with teachers who are interested.

If anyone has any questions I’d be glad to answer them, and tips and advice are equally welcome 🙂

Nicolien & Thilo, Lucas, Julian, Charlotte, Melissa, Sarah and Rosalie xxxxxxxx


Pizza Chickpeas, Mexican Lasagna, Thai Stuffed Sweet Potatoes & More!

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This week’s meal plan is jam-packed with healthy and flavorful new eats!

Enjoy soon-to-be favorites like the Pizza Chickpeas (NEW!), 7-Layer Vegetable Sandwich (NEW!), Mexican Lasagna (NEW!, fam), Thai Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (NEW!) and White Bean Chili (NEW!).

As usual, all the recipes are fuss-free, delicious, and perfect for the back-to-school rush!

Mexican Lasagna

Individual Highlights

  • White Bean Chili (NEW!)
  • Vegetable Korma
  • Cherry Almond Oatmeal (NEW!)
  • Chili Fries
  • Thai Stuffed Sweet Potato (NEW!)
  • Pizza Chickpeas (NEW!)
  • 7-Layer Vegetable Sandwich (NEW!)

Get this meal plan now.

White Bean Chili

Family Highlights

  • Mexican Lasagna (NEW!)
  • Veggie Pot Pie
  • White Bean Chili (NEW!)
  • Pizza Chickpeas (NEW!)
  • Cuban Black Beans & Rice
  • Thai Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (NEW!)
  • Sesame Greens & Chickpeas

Get this meal plan now.

Thai Stuffed Sweet Potato


I bought the annual membership this year, and I’m really glad I did. It provides the “planning” step, the key one that was missing for me. I spend 3-4 hours every Sunday cooking and prepping. The rest of the week is time the meal spends in the microwave and/or assembling ingredients – super quick. I spend about $40-$60 per week on my groceries.”- Aileen C

Love the meal plans! My husband and I are starting second week. Shopping was so easy and much cheaper. Last week I made the individual meals. This week I used the family plan. Every meal so far has been delicious and filled us up – and I’ve lost 6lbs!“- Lynn W

Get the current meal plan now.


Herbie of the Week: Diane H (She’s Down 2 Pant Sizes & No Longer In Denial!)

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Meet our Herbie of the Week: Diane H!

A couple months ago Diane sent me an email with the subject line “I Surrender”. The email read:

Two years. I started following you almost two years ago and dropped 30 pounds in about 6 weeks. But then — the weight started creeping on again. You told me repeatedly that you could not have peanut butter IN YOUR HOUSE because of the nature and intensity of Scott’s addiction to it. But I wasn’t that bad right? Well, turns out I’ve been wrong about that. I should have caught on when I realized I was packing away 5+ pounds of it a week. DENIAL: Didn’t Even Notice I Always Lied. But pictures don’t lie and when a couple of them showed up on social media I got a phone call from my sister wanting to know “What’s up with that?” since I had doubled my clothing size. How humiliating. So no more peanut butter has come into my house in about a month. Thanks for sharing that part of Scott’s story. Although there are so many wonderful things about you I think the best is you let us know that you’re just like the rest of us and that you overcame XYZ and we can too, and ABC while we’re at it<3

As soon as I read Diane’s email, I knew I had to ask her to share her story for the Herbie of the Week series.

I’ll let Diane take it away…

Hi, my name is Diane and I am a Happy Herbivore. I did not come into this in the usual way, with frightening medical issues caused primarily by weight. I was a professional skinny person (read anorexic binge eater). I denied my anorexia vigorously whenever approached because I thought anorexics never ate or didn’t like food, and I LOVED food. I’m from the deep south where the four main food groups are fried, barbecued, salted, and sweet, and if you could manage to combine all four into a single dish you were golden. I had no particular attachment to meat so when I met a group of people in the 1980s who were vegetarian for religious reasons, I jumped right in with both feet and loved it. My new education has made me realize that I was not healthier. Everything was loaded with fake meats and most of all – cheese. I had even looked into being vegan over the years because I instinctively knew that it had to be better. The problem was – I’m lazy. Two hours worth of tedious prep work and equally long cook time was not going to work for me.

In January of 2012, my beloved Jack Russell Terrier passed away. To comfort myself I began reading every book about dogs that I could put my hands on, and one of them was called Following Atticus by Tom Ryan. It was fantastic and inspiring. I began following his Facebook page and Lindsay and Happy Herbivore were the topic one day. She changed his life the same way he has changed ours and I wanted in, and just like that I was in. It was great – a can of beans and a couple of borrowed condiments from a hotel and you have a MEAL? Oh yeah.

There were a couple of glitches though. I am always saddened when I hear that Lindsay’s mantra of “Progress Not Perfection” brings the haters out of the woodwork because I would have had to drop out right from the start. I would like to say that I had a major lightbulb moment, I’ve done everything right and never looked back, but I can’t. It’s been a step and a half forward, a step and a half back the whole way. I did very well 95{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} of the time, but when I really wanted what I really wanted, I just had it. Fried chicken is my kryptonite. I was reasonably healthy and doing well most of the time, so what if I broke the rules occasionally? Breaking the rules slowly went from frequently to once in a while, to hardly ever until, finally now, it just doesn’t happen. In fact, if you and I were the last two people on the planet and the only food was a piece of cheese (which I could not fathom living without at one time), I would let you have the whole thing.

Something funny happened – the more I ate healthfully, the more distance between the “slips”, and the intensity of the consequences became more and more clear. I was going to get sick, but eventually it got so bad that I would wake up the next day wondering what kind of horrible disease was invading my body and what kind of specialist I might need to see to figure it out. It took a very long time before I connected it to the food I had eaten the day before. I learn everything the hard way.

But that’s not even why I was asked to write this. I’m supposed to be writing about peanut butter. I love peanut butter and that was my meat replacement in a way. No cholesterol, no added fats or sugars, dream food right? After I had been a Halfway Herbivore for about a year I looked great. On my 59th birthday I was a size 8 and weighed 138 pounds (picture above), which I was comfortable with. But at the end of August of last year my living situation changed. For financial reasons I had to move back in with my ex-husband, which all by itself was a challenge.

And then there was the food. If it wasn’t processed, packed in a box, and reheated in the oven he didn’t eat it. Period. And the food I was eating: tofu, vegetables and well, vegetables was out of the question. I’ve always said that it’s easier to pull someone into a hole with you than pull somebody out of one, and pretty soon I was relying on food that I had forsaken, like sausage, egg, and cheese croissants. Just easier to deal with when you’re depressed and don’t feel like making the effort. Also there was always soda in the house and at least once a day I really needed that caffeine pick me up that I wasn’t getting by eating healthy. I still ate good foods too and my favorite was peanut butter – my favorite comfort food. I’m not going to put any ideas in anybody’s head about some of the great ways I came up to eat it but I loved it, and it loved me.

By April I was living alone again and threw myself into rigorous health consciousness and was happy. Until I saw a picture of me that a friend of mine had posted on Facebook. I wanted to die. I was heavier than I had ever been in my entire life. It was so dramatic that my sister called to ask “What’s up with that?” because she couldn’t believe it. I still get depressed when I see those horrible pictures, but they served a purpose. I had sent several emails to Lindsay over time and it hit me one day that there was one sentence that had been in every single response Lindsay had sent that simply never registered with me: WE CAN’T KEEP PEANUT BUTTER IN OUR HOUSE BECAUSE SCOTT CAN’T CONTROL HIMSELF. Me neither!!!!!! It was denial – pure and simple. Didn’t Even Notice I Always Lied. I was so astonished by this truth that I wrote Lindsay and that resulted in me writing this post. I recommitted myself and am seeing progress in a very positive way. Out went the peanut butter, first and foremost, and I have never kept it in the house since. At the moment I do OWN a jar, but it lives somewhere else and only comes over for short supervised visits every 2 or 3 weeks and then it goes to its real home. I always have SOMETHING on hand I can mix up when I’ve procrastinated cooking.

I recently started the meal plans and have all my cooking done for the week in advance. I have lots of meal plans in stock, I just never used them. So far, my shirt size has gone from XL to L and I’d probably be okay in a medium. At the end of the madness I had a whole lot of trouble buttoning size 16 pants and refused to go any larger, just sticking to elastic waists. I am now on the small size of a 12. I measured the other day and had lost 5 inches (!) in my stomach.

So that’s me – with all my perfect imperfections. Better to be late to the party than never get there at all.

Thank you so much Diane for sharing your story! You’re an inspiration!

UPDATE September 2014

I don’t have any noticeable health problems at this point, but nor did I notice any ill effects from the meat and dairy until I quit using it. I recently went gluten-free and have lost an additional 3 inches off my mid-section spare tire. And I’m so grateful that so many of Lindsay’s recipes are also gluten free. I have also now passed my 60th birthday and had all my medical tests done and – at least on the inside – I can pass for a teenager who hasn’t gotten far enough into the bad habits to show any damage.


The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook Giveaway + 2 Free Recipes

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I love the Essy family and was over-the-moon excited when Jane & Ann told me they were writing The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook!

I’ve been a fan of Ann’s culinary creativity for years — in fact, she showed ME how to make the oh-so-popular deviled “eggs”! “Razzle dazzle” Jane knows her way around the kitchen too! Like mother, like daughter…

The deets: Ann and Jane’s new book is completely plant-based, low fat, oil-free, and supercharged with kale! (They even have a KALE CAKE!) I’m so happy to add this book to my shelf of plant-perfect cookbooks (I remember when it was just me and the McDougalls!)

Anyway, I’m super stoked to give you an exclusive preview of two wonderful recipes from their book AND a few copies, too!


Makes 6-8 burgers


1 cup onion, diced

2 large cloves garlic, minced

8 ounces mushrooms, sliced (optional)

1 cup kale, free of spines and shredded into tiny pieces

1 medium sweet potato, cooked and removed from skin

1 cup old-fashioned oats

2 (15-ounce) cans no-salt added kidney beans, drained and rinsed

2 tablespoons sriracha hot chili sauce, Tabasco sauce, or similar hot sauce

Six to eight 100 percent whole-grain buns

Fixings: Mustard, ketchup, relish, tomato slices, red onion slices, spinach, romaine, sauerkraut, Roasted Red Peppers, Sautéed Mushrooms, Caramelized Onions


In a hot frying pan, so hot that a drop of water beads across the surface, cook the onion and garlic, stirring consistently until browned slightly and cooked throughout. Reduce the heat to medium and add the mushrooms and kale and continue stirring. After the mushrooms are cooked thoroughly and the kale turns dark green, turn off the heat and set aside. In a large bowl smash and mix together the sweet potato, oats, and kidney beans. Add the cooked vegetables to the bowl and continue mixing. Using your hands, form the mixture into patties. Place the patties on a nonstick frying pan over medium-low heat for 20 minutes, 10 minutes per side, or until browned on the outside and warmed through. Serve with your choice of fixings!




2 cups cantaloupe and or honeydew, cut into ½-inch x ½ -inch cubes

½ cup strawberries, sliced in half

1 cup blueberries or raspberries

1 orange, peeled and sectioned

1 kiwi, peeled and sliced

½ to 1 cup orange juice

½ teaspoon ginger, grated

½ lime, zest and juice, or to taste

6 leaves fresh mint, chiffonade


In a pretty bowl combine melon, strawberries, blueberries, orange sections, and kiwi. Add enough orange juice to almost cover fruit. Scatter the ginger and lime zest over the fruit, squeeze in the lime juice, and stir in mint leaves.


For a chance to win a copy of The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook leave a comment below saying which of these two recipes you’re most excited to try!

For a bonus entry, follow me @happyherbivore and @DrEsselstyn, and tweet us your favorite way to eat kale! Use the hashtag #hailtothekale too plz!

Thanks + good luck!

**This giveaway is open to residents of the United States**


Best of Summer Meal Plan! PLUS Annual Meal Plan Premium Memberships {One Day Only}

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Annual Meal Plan Premium Memberships are on sale TODAY for ONE DAY ONLY!

Get a year’s worth of meal plans: 52 weeks! over 1,000 recipes! for only $179 (retail $364!)

Only $3.44 a week – a 75{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} savings!

Annual members will also receive both plans!! You’ll get the individual and family meal plans each week (a whopping $728 value)!

We’re also including a AWESOME *free* bonus recipe (ice cream sandwiches!!), in addition to all of our greatest summer hits!

Sign-up now while this offer lasts!

**If you’re already a monthly subscriber, you can upgrade to the annual membership from your profile.**

We’re celebrating the end of the season with our “Best of Summer” meal plan!

Enjoy one last taste of summer with favorites like Pineapple Whip, Carrot Hot Dogs, “Beef” with Broccoli Bowl, Mango BBQ Sliders and MORE!

Many of these recipes won’t be back until next year, so get this week’s meal plan today!

Pineapple Whip, “Beef” with Broccoli Bowl, Carrot Hot Dogs, Buffalo Wing Hummus

Individual Highlights

  • Mango BBQ Sliders
  • Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie
  • Carrot Hot Dogs with Potato Salad
  • “Beef” With Broccoli Bowl
  • Pineapple Whip
  • American Chop Suey
  • Lemon Drop Overnight Oats
  • Buffalo Wing Hummus
  • Quinoa Unfried Rice
  • Mexican Chocolate Shake

Get this meal plan now.

Banana Split Kabobs, Lentil Bolognese, Mango BBQ Sliders, Chili Cheeze Fries

Family Highlights

  • Lentil Bolognese
  • Pineapple Whip (Bonus Recipe!)
  • Chili Cheeze Fries
  • American Chop Suey
  • Banana Split Kabobs (Bonus Recipe!)
  • Carrot Hot Dogs with Potato Salad
  • Mango BBQ Sliders
  • “Beef” with Broccoli Bowls
  • Buffalo Wing Hummus Wraps (Bonus Recipe!)
  • Quinoa Unfried Rice

Get this meal plan now.

Roasted Vegetable & White Bean Sandwich, Quinoa Unfried Rice, American Chop Suey, Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie


I was totally amazed by the Carrot Hot Dogs – they actually tasted like hot dogs!!!“- Amelia P

All I’m saying is the Quinoa Unfried Rice is my new favorite thing to eat.“- Marianna D

I had a Mango BBQ Sliders for lunch, very tasty and satisfying.“- Kelly C

The Mexican Chocolate Shake is absurdly delicious!!!“- Alauria C

Get the current meal plan now.