
‘Vegan’ Celebrities and the vegan diet vs. veganism

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I am hugely sceptical of celebrity vegan role models a lot of the time. Not because of the person themselves, but because of the way many vegans react to their diet change. That is exactly what it is for many of them – a diet change. I’ve mentioned previously about Bill Clinton unwittingly becoming the […]


Dolphin personhood, and animals as persons

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Due to their extremely high levels of intelligence and their self-aware mind, cetaceans (dolphins, whales, porpoises, and other marine mammals) have had a declaration of rights drawn up by philosophers and marine biologists. This bill of rights would grant them protection and they could be defended by law. It will go as far as to […]


WWE World Heavyweight Champion is Vegan

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One of the things I love about being vegan and having a keen interest in fitness is that there is an ever-growing number of role models out there in a variety of sports. Whether it’s the likes of Mac Danzig in MMA, endurance athletes like Brendan Brazier, or hulks such as Patrik Baboumian, whatever sport […]